Environment Variables

AITemplate uses environment variables to control the behavior of codegen and profiling. The environment variables used in AITemplate are listed here.


NUM_BUILDERS: The number of CPU jobs running in parallel during codegen. It controls both the profiler codegen and the final .so codegen. It’s set to 12 in NIGHTLY jobs. Internally, it’s set to 12 for normal tests and 24 for heavy tests. By default, the builder uses all the available CPUs for building.

AIT_RECOMPILE: If set to “0”, it skips compilation for the .so and reuses the previously compiled ones. It is used to speed up local testing. The default value is “1” to always recompile.

AIT_NDEBUG: If set to “1”, compile with NDEBUG, disabling debug assertions. Recommended for production builds. “1” by default.

AIT_COMPILER_OPT: The optimization level for a compiler, which is directly passed to the host compiler command line. AITemplate host code may be very light in certain cases, so there is nothing to optimize for a host compiler. Thus, there is no need to make host compiler perform time costly optimizations. It may be very useful to use “-O0” value for debugging GPU kernels. “-O3” by default.

AIT_NVCC_CCBIN: nvcc host compiler (ccbin).

AIT_ENABLE_CUDA_LTO: If set to “1”, nvcc will use LTO flags during compilation. Default value is “0”.

AIT_TIME_COMPILATION: If set to “1”, time each make command at the compilation time. This helps us to do compilation time analysis. Requires to install time package.

AIT_MULTISTREAM_MODE: Controls multi-stream mode. Default mode is “0”. * If set to “0”, then no multistreaming is used. * If set to “1”, then a simple multistreaming is used (iteratively track a wavefront of independent operators and execute ones).

AIT_MULTISTREAM_EXTRA_STREAMS: Specifies the number of additional streams used. Default value is “4”.

AIT_MULTISTREAM_MAX_MEM_PARALLEL_OPS: Maximum number of parallel operators used in memory planning for simple multi-stream mode. Default value is “99999999” (basically, unlimited).

AIT_USE_CMAKE_COMPILATION: (An experimental feature) If set to “1”, then cmake will used instead of make. This allows to build AITemplate using MSVC Compiler + MSBuild on Windows, and it works for linux as well. This builder does not support many features (such as caching) yet. But it allows to generate a cmake project that can be loaded to a modern IDE. Default value is “0”.

AIT_ENABLE_STANDALONE: Enable standalone test and benchmark executable generation. Default value is “0” (disabled). If set to “1”, this will generate a “test” executable that may be used to run standalone tests and benchmarks. This standalone executable is also well suited for running through debuggers and/or profiling tools, as it does not pull in python and pytorch as dependencies, unlike most python unit tests.

AIT_ENABLE_PTXAS_INFO: Set this to “1” to enable the generation and logging of verbose ( tuning-relevant ) information about CUDA ptx assembly code produced by the CUDA compiler nvcc. Intermediate ptx files, annotated with C++ source info will be written to the build directory. In addition, this flag enables warnings about CUDA register spilling and resource usage.

AIT_CUDA_DEBUG_LEVEL: Configure level of CUDA debug information. Defaults to no debug info. This may either be a string with options passed to nvcc ( for example “-g -G” or “-lineinfo” ) or a CUDA debug level from “0” (default, no debug info), “1” ( “-lineinfo” ) include source code line information. Ideal for profiling with ncu/nsight-compute, “2” full debug information (warning: this disables all optimizations, regardless of other settings)

AIT_ENABLE_CUDA_SOURCE_NAVIGATION_FIX: (Only supported by FBCUDA target so far): When this flag is enabled by setting it to “1” (it is disabled by default), every *.cu file in build dirs into a corresponding *.cu.h file and create a *.cu file which just includes this file. This fixes code navigation issues in some IDE’s which don’t treat .cu files as C++ files and disable code navigation.

AIT_ENABLE_INCLUDE_FROM_SOURCETREE: (Only supported by FBCUDA target so far) When this flag is enabled by setting it to “1” (it is disabled by default), the target will create an in-place build which tries to directly reference the include paths within the AITemplate source tree. This helps to iterate faster during native Kernel/Operator development and debugging.


CACHE_DIR: The directory for the profiling cache. If unset, it defaults to ~/.aitemplate.

FLUSH_PROFILE_CACHE: If set to “1”, it removes the cache file and recreates an empty one.

DISABLE_PROFILER_CODEGEN: Normally in CI we randomly choose two profilers to codegen. If set to “1”, this flag disables profiler codegen completely to speed up long running tests so that the tests don’t time out. The default value is “0”.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: This one is from CUDA itself. It’s used to set the number of GPU devices available for profiling. Set to “0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7” to speed up profiling. For benchmarking, it’s useful to set to a particular device to lower noise.

HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES: This one is from ROCm itself. It’s used to set the number of GPU devices available for profiling. Set to “0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7” to speed up profiling. For benchmarking, it’s useful to set to a particular device to lower noise.

FORCE_PROFILE: If set to “1”, it will do profiling regardless in_ci_env and disable_profiler_codegen. For non-NIGHTLY CI, we do not do profiling, and we could use FORCE_PROFILE=1 in these CI to do runs with codegen, compile, and profile.

COMBINE_PROFILER_MULTI_SOURCES: Whether to combine multiple profiler sources per target. “0” - Disabled, “1” - Enabled (default).

FORCE_ONE_PROFILER_SOURCE_PER_TARGET: Whether to combine multiple profiler sources per target into one. “0” - Disabled (default), “1” - Enabled.


CI_FLAG: It is set to “CIRCLECI” in OSS CI to indicate we’re in OSS CI environment. The behavior of the profiler and codegen is different in CI to speed up testing. Profiling itself for gemm/conv ops is disabled in CI. But we still compile two random profilers to make sure the profiler codegen is not broken.

AIT_BUILD_DOCS: If set to “1”, it will create a fake CUDA target to enable doc building in Github Actions.


LOGLEVEL: It is used to control the logging level in Python. The default value is “INFO”. “DEBUG” is useful for debugging.

AIT_PLOT_SHORTEN_TENSOR_NAMES: If set to “1”, shorten too long tensor names for a plot of a model graph, thus making a plot much easier to analyze visually. “0” by default.

AIT_USE_FAST_MATH: If set to “0”, no fast math option will be used for the device code generation. Default value is “1”.

AIT_USE_TANH_FOR_SIGMOID: If set to “1”, tanh will be used to approximate sigmoid during device code generation. Default value is “0”.