Module for exposing the C++ APIs of the marker tracking pipeline
- class pymomentum.marker_tracking.BaseConfig
Represents base config class
- property debug
Whether to output debugging info
- property loss_alpha
Parameter to control the loss function
- property max_iter
Max iterations
- property min_vis_percent
Minimum percentage of visible markers to be used
- class pymomentum.marker_tracking.CalibrationConfig
Config for the body scale calibration step
- property calib_frames
Number of frames used for model calibration
- property global_scale_only
Calibrate only the global scale and not all proportions
- property locators_only
Calibrate only the locator offsets
- property major_iter
Number of calibration loops to run
- class pymomentum.marker_tracking.ModelOptions
Model options to specify the template model, parameter transform and locator mappings
- property locators
Path to locator mapping file e.g. character.locators
- property model
Path to template model file with locators e.g. character.glb
- property parameters
Path of parameter transform model file e.g. character.model
- class pymomentum.marker_tracking.RefineConfig
Config for refining a tracked motion.
- property calib_id
Calibrate identity parameters; default to False.
- property calib_locators
Calibrate locator offsets; default to False.
- property regularizer
Regularize the time-invariant parameters to prevent large changes.
- class pymomentum.marker_tracking.TrackingConfig
Config for the tracking optimization step
- property collision_error_weight
Collision error weight; 0 to disable
- property smoothing
Smoothing weight; 0 to disable
- property smoothing_weights
Smoothing weights per model parameter. The size of this vector should be equal to number of model parameters and this overrides the value specific in smoothing
- pymomentum.marker_tracking.process_marker_file(input_marker_file: str, output_file: str, tracking_config: pymomentum.marker_tracking.TrackingConfig, calibration_config: pymomentum.marker_tracking.CalibrationConfig, model_options: pymomentum.marker_tracking.ModelOptions, calibrate: bool, first_frame: int = 0, max_frames: int = 0) None
- pymomentum.marker_tracking.process_markers(character: pymomentum.geometry.Character, identity: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[m, 1]], marker_data: list[list[pymomentum.geometry.Marker]], tracking_config: pymomentum.marker_tracking.TrackingConfig, calibration_config: pymomentum.marker_tracking.CalibrationConfig, calibrate: bool = True, first_frame: int = 0, max_frames: int = 0) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[m, n]]
process markers given character and identity.
- Parameters:
character – Character to be used for tracking
identity – Identity parameters, pass in empty array for default identity
marker_data – A list of marker data for each frame
tracking_config – Tracking config to be used for tracking
calibration_config – Calibration config to be used for calibration
calibrate – Whether to calibrate the model
first_frame – First frame to be processed
max_frames – Max number of frames to be processed
- Returns:
Transform parameters for each frame
- pymomentum.marker_tracking.refine_motion(character: pymomentum.geometry.Character, identity: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[m, 1]], motion: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[m, n]], marker_data: list[list[pymomentum.geometry.Marker]], refine_config: pymomentum.marker_tracking.RefineConfig) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[m, n]]
- pymomentum.marker_tracking.save_motion(out_file: str, character: pymomentum.geometry.Character, identity: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[m, 1]], motion: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32[m, n]], marker_data: list[list[pymomentum.geometry.Marker]], fps: float, save_marker_mesh: bool = True) None