============== JSON Functions ============== JSON Format ----------- JSON is a language-independent data format that represents data as human-readable text. A JSON text can represent a number, a boolean, a string, an array, an object, or a null, with slightly different grammar. For instance, a JSON text representing a string must escape all characters and enclose the string in double quotes, such as ``"123\n"``, whereas a JSON text representing a number does not need to, such as ``123``. A JSON text representing an array must enclose the array elements in square brackets, such as ``[1,2,3]``. More detailed grammar can be found in `this JSON introduction`_. .. _this JSON introduction: https://www.json.org JSON Functions -------------- .. spark:function:: get_json_object(json, path) -> varchar Extracts a json object from path:: SELECT get_json_object('{"a":"b"}', '$.a'); -- b