============= URL Functions ============= Extraction Functions -------------------- The URL extraction functions extract components from HTTP URLs (or any valid URIs conforming to `RFC 2396 `_). The following syntax is supported: .. code-block:: bash [protocol:][//host[:port]][path][?query][#fragment] The extracted components do not contain URI syntax separators such as ``:`` , ``?`` and ``#``. .. function:: url_extract_fragment(url) -> varchar Returns the fragment identifier from ``url``. .. function:: url_extract_host(url) -> varchar Returns the host from ``url``. .. function:: url_extract_parameter(url, name) -> varchar Returns the value of the first query string parameter named ``name`` from ``url``. Parameter extraction is handled in the typical manner as specified by `RFC 1866#section-8.2.1 `_. .. function:: url_extract_path(url) -> varchar Returns the path from ``url``. .. function:: url_extract_port(url) -> bigint Returns the port number from ``url``. .. function:: url_extract_protocol(url) -> varchar Returns the protocol from ``url``. .. function:: url_extract_query(url) -> varchar Returns the query string from ``url``. Encoding Functions ------------------ .. function:: url_encode(value) -> varchar Escapes ``value`` by encoding it so that it can be safely included in URL query parameter names and values: * Alphanumeric characters are not encoded. * The characters ``.``, ``-``, ``*`` and ``_`` are not encoded. * The ASCII space character is encoded as ``+``. * All other characters are converted to UTF-8 and the bytes are encoded as the string ``%XX`` where ``XX`` is the uppercase hexadecimal value of the UTF-8 byte. .. function:: url_decode(value) -> varchar Unescapes the URL encoded ``value``. This function is the inverse of :func:`url_encode`.