=============== Runtime Metrics =============== Runtime metrics are used to collect the metrics of important velox runtime events for monitoring purpose. The collected metrics can provide insights into the continuous availability and performance analysis of a Velox runtime system. For instance, the collected data can help automatically generate alerts at an outage. Velox provides a framework to collect the metrics which consists of three steps: **Define**: define the name and type for the metric through DEFINE_METRIC and DEFINE_HISTOGRAM_METRIC macros. DEFINE_HISTOGRAM_METRIC is used for histogram metric type and DEFINE_METRIC is used for the other types (see metric type definition below). BaseStatsReporter provides methods for metric definition. Register metrics during startup using registerVeloxMetrics() API. **Record**: record the metric data point using RECORD_METRIC_VALUE and RECORD_HISTOGRAM_METRIC_VALUE macros when the corresponding event happens. BaseStatsReporter provides methods for metric recording. **Export**: aggregates the collected data points based on the defined metrics, and periodically exports to the backend monitoring service, such as ODS used by Meta, Apache projects `OpenCensus `_ and `Prometheus `_ provided by OSS. A derived implementation of BaseStatsReporter is required to integrate with a specific monitoring service. The metric aggregation granularity and export interval are also configured based on the actual used monitoring service. Velox supports five metric types: **Count**: tracks the count of events, such as the number of query failures. **Sum**: tracks the sum of event data point values, such as sum of query scan read bytes. **Avg**: tracks the average of event data point values, such as average of query execution time. **Rate**: tracks the sum of event data point values per second, such as the number of shuffle requests per second. **Histogram**: tracks the distribution of event data point values, such as query execution time distribution. The histogram metric divides the entire data range into a series of adjacent equal-sized intervals or buckets, and then count how many data values fall into each bucket. DEFINE_HISTOGRAM_STAT specifies the data range by min/max values, and the number of buckets. Any collected data value less than min is counted in min bucket, and any one larger than max is counted in max bucket. It also allows to specify the value percentiles to report for monitoring. This allows BaseStatsReporter and the backend monitoring service to optimize the aggregated data storage. Task Execution -------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 40 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Metric Name - Type - Description * - driver_yield_count - Count - The number of times that a driver has yielded from the thread when it hits the per-driver cpu time slice limit if enforced. Memory Management ----------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 40 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Metric Name - Type - Description * - cache_shrink_count - Count - The number of times that in-memory data cache has been shrunk under memory pressure. * - cache_shrink_ms - Histogram - The distribution of cache shrink latency in range of [0, 100s] with 10 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - memory_reclaim_exec_ms - Histogram - The distribution of memory reclaim execution time in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - memory_reclaim_bytes - Sum - The sum of reclaimed memory bytes. * - memory_reclaim_wait_ms - Histogram - The distribution of memory reclaim wait time in range of [0, 60s] with 10 buckets. It is configured to report latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - memory_reclaim_wait_timeout_count - Count - The number of times that the memory reclaim wait timeouts. * - memory_non_reclaimable_count - Count - The number of times that the memory reclaim fails because the operator is executing a non-reclaimable section where it is expected to have reserved enough memory to execute without asking for more. Therefore, it is an indicator that the memory reservation is not sufficient. It excludes counting instances where the operator is in a non-reclaimable state due to currently being on-thread and running or being already cancelled. * - arbitrator_requests_count - Count - The number of times a memory arbitration request was initiated by a memory pool attempting to grow its capacity. * - arbitrator_aborted_count - Count - The number of times a query level memory pool is aborted as a result of a memory arbitration process. The memory pool aborted will eventually result in a cancelling the original query. * - arbitrator_failures_count - Count - The number of times a memory arbitration request failed. This may occur either because the requester was terminated during the processing of its request, the arbitration request would surpass the maximum allowed capacity for the requester, or the arbitration process couldn't release the requested amount of memory. * - arbitrator_queue_time_ms - Histogram - The distribution of the amount of time an arbitration request stays queued in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - arbitrator_arbitration_time_ms - Histogram - The distribution of the amount of time it take to complete a single arbitration request stays queued in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - arbitrator_free_capacity_bytes - Average - The average of total free memory capacity which is managed by the memory arbitrator. * - memory_pool_usage_leak_bytes - Sum - The leaf memory pool usage leak in bytes. * - memory_pool_reservation_leak_bytes - Sum - The leaf memory pool reservation leak in bytes. * - memory_pool_capacity_leak_bytes - Sum - The root memory pool reservation leak in bytes. Spilling -------- .. list-table:: :widths: 40 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Metric Name - Type - Description * - spill_max_level_exceeded_count - Count - The number of times that a spill-able operator hits the max spill level limit. * - spill_input_bytes - Sum - The number of bytes in memory to spill. * - spill_bytes - Sum - The number of bytes spilled to disk which can be the number of compressed bytes if compression is enabled. * - spill_rows_count - Count - The number of spilled rows. * - spill_files_count - Count - The number of spilled files. * - spill_fill_time_ms - Histogram - The distribution of the amount of time spent on filling rows for spilling in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - spill_sort_time_ms - Histogram - The distribution of the amount of time spent on sorting rows for spilling in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - spill_serialization_time_ms - Histogram - The distribution of the amount of time spent on serializing rows for spilling in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. * - spill_disk_writes_count - Count - The number of disk writes to spill rows. * - spill_flush_time_ms - Histogram - The distribution of the amount of time spent on copy out serialized rows for disk write in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. Note: If compression is enabled, this includes the compression time. * - spill_write_time_ms - Histogram - The distribution of the amount of time spent on writing spilled rows to disk in range of [0, 600s] with 20 buckets. It is configured to report the latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles. Hive Connector -------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 40 10 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Metric Name - Type - Description * - hive_file_handle_generate_latency_ms - Histogram - The distribution of hive file open latency in range of [0, 100s] with 10 buckets. It is configured to report latency at P50, P90, P99, and P100 percentiles.