Writer Fuzzer

Writer fuzzer tests table write plan with up to 5 regular columns, up to 3 partition keys, up to 3 bucket columns, up to 3 sorted columns.

At each iteration, fuzzer randomly generates a table write plan with different table properties including un-partitioned and partitioned, non-bucketed and bucketed, sorted and unsorted.

The fuzzer then generates inputs and runs the query plan and compares the results with PrestoDB. As of now, we compare: 1. How many rows were written. 2. Output directories have the same directory layout and hierarchy. 3. Same data were written by velox and prestoDB including bucket number. 4. Data of sorted columns is in the same order if table is sorted.

How to run

Use velox_writer_fuzzer_test binary to run join fuzzer:


By default, the fuzzer will go through 10 interations. Use –steps or –duration-sec flag to run fuzzer for longer. Use –seed to reproduce fuzzer failures.

Here is a full list of supported command line arguments.

  • –-steps: How many iterations to run. Each iteration generates and evaluates one tale writer plan. Default is 10.

  • –-duration_sec: For how long to run in seconds. If both -–steps and -–duration_sec are specified, –duration_sec takes precedence.

  • –-seed: The seed to generate random expressions and input vectors with.

  • –-batch_size: The size of input vectors to generate. Default is 100.

  • --num_batches: The number of input vectors of size –batch_size to generate. Default is 5.

If running from CLion IDE, add --logtostderr=1 to see the full output.