Binary Functions

crc32(binary) bigint

Computes the crc32 checksum of binary.

from_base64(string) varbinary

Decodes binary data from the base64 encoded string.

from_hex(string) varbinary

Decodes binary data from the hex encoded string.

hmac_sha1(binary, key) varbinary

Computes the HMAC with sha1 of binary with the given key.

hmac_sha256(binary, key) varbinary

Computes the HMAC with sha256 of binary with the given key.

hmac_sha512(binary, key) varbinary

Computes the HMAC with sha512 of binary with the given key.

md5(binary) varbinary

Computes the md5 hash of binary.

sha1(binary) varbinary

Computes the SHA-1 hash of binary.

sha256(binary) varbinary

Computes the SHA-256 hash of binary.

sha512(binary) varbinary

Computes the SHA-512 hash of binary.

spooky_hash_v2_32(binary) varbinary

Computes the SpookyHashV2 32-bit hash of binary.

spooky_hash_v2_64(binary) varbinary

Computes the 64-bit SpookyHashV2 hash of binary.

to_base64(binary) varchar

Encodes binary into a base64 string representation.

to_hex(binary) varchar

Encodes binary into a hex string representation.

xxhash64(binary) varbinary

Computes the xxhash64 hash of binary.