Binary Functions

crc32(binary) bigint

Computes the crc32 checksum of binary.

from_base64(string) varbinary

Decodes a Base64-encoded string back into its original binary form. This function is capable of handling both fully padded and non-padded Base64 encoded strings. Partially padded Base64 strings are not supported and will result in an error.


Query with padded Base64 string:

SELECT from_base64('SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ='); -- [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]

Query with non-padded Base64 string:

SELECT from_base64('SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ'); -- [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]

Query with partial-padded Base64 string:

SELECT from_base64('SGVsbG8gV29ybGQgZm9yIHZlbG94IQ='); -- Error : Base64::decode() - invalid input string: string length is not a multiple of 4.

In the above examples, both the fully padded and non-padded Base64 strings (‘SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=’ and ‘SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ’) decode to the binary representation of the text ‘Hello World’. While, partial-padded Base64 string ‘SGVsbG8gV29ybGQgZm9yIHZlbG94IQ=’ will lead to an velox error.

from_base64url(string) varbinary

Decodes string data from the base64 encoded representation using the URL safe alphabet into a varbinary.

from_big_endian_32(varbinary) integer

Decodes integer value from a 32-bit 2’s complement big endian binary.

from_big_endian_64(varbinary) bigint

Decodes bigint value from a 64-bit 2’s complement big endian binary.

from_hex(string) varbinary

Decodes binary data from the hex encoded string.

from_ieee754_32(binary) real

Decodes the 32-bit big-endian binary in IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point format. Throws a user error if input size is shorter / longer than 32 bits.

from_ieee754_64(binary) double

Decodes the 64-bit big-endian binary in IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point format. Throws a user error if input size is shorter / longer than 64 bits.

hmac_md5(binary, key) varbinary

Computes the HMAC with md5 of binary with the given key.

hmac_sha1(binary, key) varbinary

Computes the HMAC with sha1 of binary with the given key.

hmac_sha256(binary, key) varbinary

Computes the HMAC with sha256 of binary with the given key.

hmac_sha512(binary, key) varbinary

Computes the HMAC with sha512 of binary with the given key.

length(binary) bigint

Returns the length of binary in bytes.

lpad(binary, size, padbinary) varbinary

Left pads binary to size bytes with padbinary. If size is less than the length of binary, the result is truncated to size characters. size must not be negative and padbinary must be non-empty. size has a maximum value of 1 MiB. In the case of size being smaller than the length of binary, binary will be truncated from the right to fit the size.

md5(binary) varbinary

Computes the md5 hash of binary.

rpad(binary, size, padbinary) varbinary

Right pads binary to size bytes with padbinary. If size is less than the length of binary, the result is truncated to size characters. size must not be negative and padbinary must be non-empty. size has a maximum value of 1 MiB. In the case of size being smaller than the length of binary, binary will be truncated from the right to fit the size.

sha1(binary) varbinary

Computes the SHA-1 hash of binary.

sha256(binary) varbinary

Computes the SHA-256 hash of binary.

sha512(binary) varbinary

Computes the SHA-512 hash of binary.

spooky_hash_v2_32(binary) varbinary

Computes the SpookyHashV2 32-bit hash of binary.

spooky_hash_v2_64(binary) varbinary

Computes the 64-bit SpookyHashV2 hash of binary.

to_base64(binary) varchar

Encodes binary into a base64 string representation.

to_base64url(binary) varchar

Encodes binary into a base64 string representation using the URL safe alphabet.

to_big_endian_32(integer) varbinary

Encodes integer in a 32-bit 2’s complement big endian format.

to_big_endian_64(bigint) varbinary

Encodes bigint in a 64-bit 2’s complement big endian format.

to_hex(binary) varchar

Encodes binary into a hex string representation.

to_ieee754_32(real) varbinary

Encodes real in a 32-bit big-endian binary according to IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point format.

to_ieee754_64(double) varbinary

Encodes double in a 64-bit big-endian binary according to IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point format.

xxhash64(binary) varbinary

Computes the xxhash64 hash of binary.