Array Functions¶
- aggregate(array(E), start, merge, finish) -> array(E)¶
Applies a binary operator to an initial state and all elements in the array, and reduces this to a single state. The final state is converted into the final result by applying a finish function.
SELECT aggregate(array(1, 2, 3), 0, (acc, x) -> acc + x, acc -> acc * 10); -- 60
- array(E, E1, ..., En) -> array(E, E1, ..., En)¶
Returns an array with the given elements.
SELECT array(1, 2, 3); -- [1,2,3]
- array_append(array(E), element) -> array(E)¶
Add the
at the end of the inputarray
. Type ofelement
should be the same to the type of elements in thearray
. NULL element is also appended into thearray
. Returns NULL when the inputarray
is NULL.SELECT array_append(array(1, 2, 3), 2); -- [1, 2, 3, 2] SELECT array_append(array(1, 2, 3), NULL); -- [1, 2, 3, NULL]
- array_contains(array(E), value) boolean ¶
Returns true if the array contains the value.
SELECT array_contains(array(1, 2, 3), 2); -- true
- array_distinct(array(E)) -> array(E)¶
Remove duplicate values from the input array.
SELECT array_distinct(ARRAY [1, 2, 3]); -- [1, 2, 3] SELECT array_distinct(ARRAY [1, 2, 1]); -- [1, 2] SELECT array_distinct(ARRAY [1, NULL, NULL]); -- [1, NULL]
- array_except(array(E) x, array(E) y) -> array(E)¶
Returns an array of the elements in array
but not in arrayy
, without duplicates.SELECT array_except(ARRAY [1, 2, 3], ARRAY [4, 5, 6]); -- [1, 2, 3] SELECT array_except(ARRAY [1, 2, 3], ARRAY [1, 2]); -- [3] SELECT array_except(ARRAY [1, 2, 2], ARRAY [1, 1, 2]); -- [] SELECT array_except(ARRAY [1, 2, 2], ARRAY [1, 3, 4]); -- [2] SELECT array_except(ARRAY [1, NULL, NULL], ARRAY [1, 1, NULL]); -- []
- array_insert(array(E), pos, E, legacyNegativeIndex) -> array(E)¶
Places new element into index
of the inputarray
. Returns NULL if the inputarray
is NULL. Array indices are 1-based and exception is thrown whenpos
is 0. The maximum negative index is -1. WhenlegacyNegativeIndex
is true, -1 points to the last but one position. Otherwise, -1 points to the last position. Index above array size appends the array or prepends the array if index is negative, with ‘null’ elements.SELECT array_insert(NULL, 1, 0, false); -- NULL SELECT array_insert(NULL, 1, 0, true); -- NULL SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), NULL, 0, false); -- NULL SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), NULL, 0, true); -- NULL SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), 1, 0, false); -- [0, 1, 2] SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), 1, 0, true); -- [0, 1, 2] SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), 4, 0, false); -- [1, 2, NULL, 0] SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), 4, 0, true); -- [1, 2, NULL, 0] SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), -1, 0, false); -- [1, 2, 0] SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), -1, 0, true); -- [1, 0, 2] SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), -4, 0, false); -- [0, NULL, 1, 2] SELECT array_insert(array(1, 2), -4, 0, true); -- [0, NULL, NULL, 1, 2]
- array_intersect(array(E), array(E1)) -> array(E2)¶
Returns an array of the elements in the intersection of array1 and array2, without duplicates.
SELECT array_intersect(array(1, 2, 3), array(1, 3, 5)); -- [1,3]
- array_join(x, delimiter[, nullReplacement]) varchar ¶
Concatenates the elements of the given array using the
and an optional string to replace nulls. If no value is set fornullReplacement
, any null value is filtered.SELECT array_join(array('1', '2', '3'), ',') -- '1,2,3' SELECT array_join(array('1', NULL, '2'), ',') -- '1,2' SELECT array_join(array('1', NULL, '2'), ',', '0') -- '1,0,2'
- array_max(array(E)) E ¶
Returns maximum non-NULL element of the array. Returns NULL if array is empty or all elements are NULL. When E is DOUBLE or REAL, returns NaN if any element is NaN.
SELECT array_max(array(1, 2, 3)); -- 3 SELECT array_max(array(-1, -2, -2)); -- -1 SELECT array_max(array(-1, -2, NULL)); -- -1 SELECT array_max(array()); -- NULL SELECT array_max(array(-0.0001, -0.0002, -0.0003, float('nan'))); -- NaN SELECT array_max(array(array(1), array(NULL))); -- array(1) SELECT array_max(array(array(1), array(2, 1), array(2))); -- array(2, 1) SELECT array_max(array(array(1.0), array(1.0, 2.0), array(cast('NaN' as double)))); --array(NaN)
- array_min(array(E)) E ¶
Returns minimum non-NULL element of the array. Returns NULL if array is empty or all elements are NULL. When E is DOUBLE or REAL, NaN value is considered greater than any non-NaN value.
SELECT array_min(array(1, 2, 3)); -- 1 SELECT array_min(array(-1, -2, -2)); -- -2 SELECT array_min(array(-1, -2, NULL)); -- -2 SELECT array_min(array(NULL, NULL)); -- NULL SELECT array_min(array()); -- NULL SELECT array_min(array(4.0, float('nan'))); -- 4.0 SELECT array_min(array(NULL, float('nan'))); -- NaN SELECT array_min(array(array(1), array(NULL))); -- array(NULL) SELECT array_min(array(array(1), array(1, 2), array(2))); -- array(1) SELECT array_min(array(array(1.0), array(1.0, 2.0), array(cast('NaN' as double)))); --array(1.0)
- array_position(x, element) bigint ¶
Returns the position (1-based) of the first occurrence of the
in arrayx
(or 0 if not found).SELECT array_position(array(1, 2, 3), 2); -- 2 SELECT array_position(array(1, 2, 3), 4); -- 0 SELECT array_position(array(1, 2, 3, 2), 2); -- 2
- array_remove(x, element) array ¶
Remove all elements that equal
from arrayx
. Returns NULL as result ifelement
is NULL. If arrayx
is empty array, returns empty array. If all elements in arrayx
are NULL butelement
is not NULL, returns arrayx
.SELECT array_remove(array(1, 2, 3), 3); -- [1, 2] SELECT array_remove(array(2, 1, NULL), 1); -- [2, NULL] SELECT array_remove(array(1, 2, NULL), NULL); -- NULL SELECT array_remove(array(), 1); -- [] SELECT array_remove(array(NULL, NULL), -1); -- [NULL, NULL]
- array_repeat(element, count)¶
Returns an array containing
times. Ifcount
is negative or zero, returns empty array. Ifelement
is NULL, returns an array containingcount
NULLs. Ifcount
is NULL, returns NULL as result. Throws an exception ifcount
exceeds 10’000.SELECT array_repeat(100, 3); -- [100, 100, 100] SELECT array_repeat(NULL, 3); -- [NULL, NULL, NULL] SELECT array_repeat(100, NULL); -- NULL SELECT array_repeat(100, 0); -- [] SELECT array_repeat(100, -1); -- []
- array_sort(array(E)) -> array(E)¶
Returns an array which has the sorted order of the input array(E). The elements of array(E) must be orderable. Null elements will be placed at the end of the returned array.
SELECT array_sort(array(1, 2, 3)); -- [1, 2, 3] SELECT array_sort(array(3, 2, 1)); -- [1, 2, 3] SELECT array_sort(array(2, 1, NULL); -- [1, 2, NULL] SELECT array_sort(array(NULL, 1, NULL)); -- [1, NULL, NULL] SELECT array_sort(array(NULL, 2, 1)); -- [1, 2, NULL]
- array_union(array(E) x, array(E) y) -> array(E)¶
- Returns an array of the elements in the union of ``x`` and ``y``, without duplicates. ::
SELECT array_union(array(1, 2, 3), array(1, 3, 5)); – [1, 2, 3, 5] SELECT array_union(array(1, 3, 5), array(1, 2, 3)); – [1, 3, 5, 2] SELECT array_union(array(1, 2, 3), array(1, 3, 5, null)); – [1, 2, 3, 5, null] SELECT array_union(array(1, 2, float(‘nan’)), array(1, 3, float(‘nan’))); – [1, 2, NaN, 3] SELECT array_union(array(array(1)), array(array(null))); – [[1], [null]]
- concat(array1, array2, ..., arrayN) array ¶
Concatenates the arrays
, …,arrayN
. All parameters have the same type. This function provides the same functionality as the SQL-standard concatenation operator (||
). Fails if the result array size exceeds INT_MAX - 15.SELECT concat(array(1, 2, 3), array(4, 5), array(6)); -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] SELECT concat(array(1, 2, 3), null); -- NULL SELECT concat(array(1, 2), array(1, 2), array(1, null)); -- [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, NULL] SELECT concat(array(array(1, 2)), array(array(1, null))); -- [[1, 2], [1, NULL]]
- exists(array(T), function(T, boolean)) → boolean
Returns whether at least one element of an array matches the given predicate.
Returns true if one or more elements match the predicate; Returns false if none of the elements matches (a special case is when the array is empty); Returns NULL if the predicate function returns NULL for one or more elements and false for all other elements. Throws an exception if the predicate fails for one or more elements and returns false or NULL for the rest.
- filter(array(E), func) -> array(E)¶
Filters the input array using the given predicate.
SELECT filter(array(1, 2, 3), x -> x % 2 == 1); -- [1, 3] SELECT filter(array(0, 2, 3), (x, i) -> x > i); -- [2, 3] SELECT filter(array(0, null, 2, 3, null), x -> x IS NOT NULL); -- [0, 2, 3]
- flatten(array(array(E))) -> array(E)¶
Transforms an array of arrays into a single array. Returns NULL if the input is NULL or any of the nested arrays is NULL.
SELECT flatten(array(array(1, 2), array(3, 4))); -- [1, 2, 3, 4] SELECT flatten(array(array(1, 2), array(3, NULL))); -- [1, 2, 3, NULL] SELECT flatten(array(array(1, 2), NULL, array(3, 4))); -- NULL
- forall(array(T), function(T, boolean)) → boolean
Returns whether all elements of an array match the given predicate.
Returns true if all the elements match the predicate (a special case is when the array is empty); Returns false if one or more elements don’t match; Returns NULL if the predicate function returns NULL for one or more elements and true for all other elements. Throws an exception if the predicate fails for one or more elements and returns true or NULL for the rest.
- get(array(E), index) E ¶
Returns an element of the array at the specified 0-based index. Returns NULL if index points outside of the array boundaries.
SELECT get(array(1, 2, 3), 0); -- 1 SELECT get(array(1, 2, 3), 3); -- NULL SELECT get(array(1, 2, 3), -1); -- NULL SELECT get(array(1, 2, 3), NULL); -- NULL SELECT get(array(1, 2, NULL), 2); -- NULL
- in(value, array(E)) boolean ¶
Returns true if value matches at least one of the elements of the array. Supports BOOLEAN, REAL, DOUBLE, BIGINT, VARCHAR, TIMESTAMP, DATE, DECIMAL input types.
- shuffle(array(E), seed) -> array(E)¶
Generates a random permutation of the given
using a seed derived from the parameterseed
and the configuration spark.partition_id.seed
must be constant.SELECT shuffle(array(1, 2, 3), 0); -- [3, 1, 2] SELECT shuffle(array(0, 0, 0), 0); -- [0, 0, 0] SELECT shuffle(array(1, NULL, 1, NULL, 2), 0); -- [2, 1, NULL, NULL, 1]
- size(array(E), legacySizeOfNull) integer ¶
Returns the size of the array. Returns null for null input if legacySizeOfNull is set to false. Otherwise, returns -1 for null input.
SELECT size(array(1, 2, 3), true); -- 3 SELECT size(NULL, true); -- -1 SELECT size(NULL, false); -- NULL
- slice(array(E), start, length) -> array(E)¶
Returns a subarray starting at 1-based index
or from end if negative, withlength
elements. Returns elements betweenstart
and the end of the array ifstart + length
is outside of the array. Returns empty array ifstart
point outside of the array orlength
is 0. Throws exception ifstart
is 0 orlength
is negative.SELECT slice(array(1, 2, 3, 4), 2, 2); -- [2, 3] SELECT slice(array(1, 2, 3, 4), -2, 2); -- [3, 4] SELECT slice(array(1, 2, 3, 4), 5, 1); -- [] SELECT slice(array(1, 2, 3, 4), 2, 5); -- [2, 3, 4] SELECT slice(array(1, 2, 3, 4), 2, 0); -- [] SELECT slice(array(1, 2, 3, 4), 1, -1); -- error: The value of length argument of slice() function should not be negative SELECT slice(array(1, 2, 3, 4), 0, 1); -- error: SQL array indices start at 1
- sort_array(array(E)) -> array(E)¶
Returns an array which has the sorted order of the input array. The elements of array must be orderable. Null elements will be placed at the beginning of the returned array.
SELECT sort_array(array(1, 2, 3)); -- [1, 2, 3] SELECT sort_array(array(NULL, 2, 1)); -- [NULL, 1, 2]
- sort_array(array(E), ascendingOrder) -> array(E)
Returns an array which has the sorted order of the input array. The elements of array must be orderable. Null elements will be placed at the beginning of the returned array in ascending order or at the end of the returned array in descending order.
SELECT sort_array(array(3, 2, 1), true); -- [1, 2, 3] SELECT sort_array(array(2, 1, NULL, true); -- [NULL, 1, 2] SELECT sort_array(array(NULL, 1, NULL), false); -- [1, NULL, NULL]
- transform(array(E), function) -> array(E)¶
Transforms elements in an array using the function.
SELECT transform(array(1, 2, 3), x -> x + 1); -- [2,3,4] SELECT transform(array(1, 2, 3), (x, i) -> x + i); -- [1,3,5]
- zip_with(array(T), array(U), function(T, U, R)) -> array(R)¶
Merges the two given arrays, element-wise, into a single array using
. If one array is shorter, nulls are appended at the end to match the length of the longer array, before applyingfunction
SELECT zip_with(ARRAY[1, 3, 5], ARRAY['a', 'b', 'c'], (x, y) -> (y, x)); -- [ROW('a', 1), ROW('b', 3), ROW('c', 5)] SELECT zip_with(ARRAY[1, 2], ARRAY[3, 4], (x, y) -> x + y); -- [4, 6] SELECT zip_with(ARRAY['a', 'b', 'c'], ARRAY['d', 'e', 'f'], (x, y) -> concat(x, y)); -- ['ad', 'be', 'cf'] SELECT zip_with(ARRAY['a'], ARRAY['d', null, 'f'], (x, y) -> coalesce(x, y)); -- ['a', null, 'f']