Binary Functions

crc32(binary) bigint

Computes the crc32 checksum of binary.

hash(x, ...) integer

Computes the hash of one or more input values using seed value of 42. For multiple arguments, their types can be different.

hash_with_seed(seed, x, ...) integer

Computes the hash of one or more input values using specified seed. For multiple arguments, their types can be different.

xxhash64(x, ...) bigint

Computes the xxhash64 of one or more input values using seed value of 42. For multiple arguments, their types can be different.

xxhash64_with_seed(seed, x, ...) bigint

Computes the xxhash64 of one or more input values using specified seed. For multiple arguments, their types can be different.

md5(x) varbinary

Computes the md5 of x.

might_contain(bloomFilter, value) boolean

Returns TRUE if bloomFilter might contain value.

bloomFilter is a VARBINARY computed using ::spark:function::bloom_filter_agg aggregate function. value is a BIGINT.

sha1(x) varchar

Computes SHA-1 digest of x and convert the result to a hex string. Note: x can only be varbinary type.

sha2(x, bitLength) varchar

Calculate SHA-2 family of functions (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512) and convert the result to a hex string. The second argument indicates the desired bit length of the result, which must have a value of 224, 256, 384, 512, or 0 (which is equivalent to 256). If asking for an unsupported bitLength, the return value is NULL. Note: x can only be varbinary type.