Source code for aitemplate.backend.builder

#  Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
Builder is a module to compile generated source code files into binary objects.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
from hashlib import sha1
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jinja2

from aitemplate.backend import build_cache
from aitemplate.backend.build_cache_base import write_binhash_file

from import Target
from aitemplate.backend.task_runner import BaseRunner, Task

from aitemplate.utils import environ

from aitemplate.utils.debug_settings import AITDebugSettings

from aitemplate.utils.environ import is_cmake_compilation
from aitemplate.utils.misc import is_debug, is_windows

# pylint: disable=W0221,C0103

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_DEBUG_SETTINGS = AITDebugSettings()

def _augment_for_trace(cmd):
    return (
        'date +"{{\\"name\\": \\"$@\\", \\"ph\\": \\"B\\", \\"pid\\": \\"$$$$\\", \\"ts\\": \\"%s%6N\\"}},";'
        " {}; "
        'date +"{{\\"name\\": \\"$@\\", \\"ph\\": \\"E\\", \\"pid\\": \\"$$$$\\", \\"ts\\": \\"%s%6N\\"}},";'

def _time_cmd(cmd):
    return (
        f"exec time -f 'exit_status=%x elapsed_sec=%e argv=\"%C\"' {cmd}"
        if environ.time_compilation()
        else cmd

def _log_error_context(
    path_to_error_lines = {}
    for line in [L for L in stderr.split("\n") if ": error:" in L]:
        match ="(.+)\((\d+)\): error:.*", line)
        if match:
            path = match[1]
            error_line = match[2]
            if path not in path_to_error_lines:
                path_to_error_lines[path] = set()
            # nvcc line numbers are 1-based
            error_line = int(error_line) - 1

    # keep only the first N error lines per file
    path_to_error_lines = {
        path: sorted(error_lines)[:max_errors_per_file]
        for path, error_lines in path_to_error_lines.items()

    path_to_visible_lines = {}
    for path, error_lines in path_to_error_lines.items():
        path_to_visible_lines[path] = set()
        for error_line in error_lines:
            # collect the context lines around each error line
            context = range(
                error_line - context_radius,
                error_line + context_radius + 1,

    for path, visible_lines in path_to_visible_lines.items():
        full_path = os.path.join(build_dir, path)
        if os.path.exists(full_path):
            # read the lines from the file
            with open(full_path, "r") as f:
                # each line ends with '\n'
                file_lines = f.readlines()
            # except maybe the last line
            if file_lines and not file_lines[-1].endswith("\n"):
                file_lines[-1] = f"{file_lines[-1]}\n"
            num_file_lines = len(file_lines)

            error_lines = path_to_error_lines[path]
            visible_lines = sorted(visible_lines)

            lines_to_show = []
            last_printed_i = -1
            for i in visible_lines:
                if i < 0 or i >= num_file_lines:
                    # skip the line number as extraneous
                if i - last_printed_i > 1:
                    # preceding ellipsis
                line = file_lines[i]
                lines_to_show.append(f"{i+1:<{padding}} {line}")
                if i in error_lines:
                    # mark the line as an error line: underscore
                    spaces = line[: len(line) - len(line.lstrip())]
                    underscore = spaces + "^" * (len(line) - len(spaces) - 1)
                    lines_to_show.append(f"{' ' * padding} {underscore}\n")
                last_printed_i = i
            if visible_lines[-1] < num_file_lines - 1:
                # closing ellipsis

            if lines_to_show:
                # all lines_to_show end with '\n'
                summary = "".join(lines_to_show)

def _run_make_cmds(cmds, timeout, build_dir, allow_cache=True):
    _LOGGER.debug(f"make {cmds=}")
    if allow_cache:
        ) = build_cache.BUILD_CACHE.retrieve_build_cache(cmds, build_dir)
        cached_results_available, store_cache_key = False, None
    if not cached_results_available:
        proc = subprocess.Popen(  # noqa: P204
            [" && ".join(cmds)],
            out, err = proc.communicate(timeout)
            if proc.returncode == 0 and store_cache_key is not None:
                    cmds, build_dir, store_cache_key
        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
            out, err = proc.communicate()
            raise e
            stdout = out.decode()
            stderr = err.decode()
            if proc.returncode != 0:
      "make stdout:\n\n{stdout}")
      "make stderr:\n\n{stderr}")

                _log_error_context(stderr, build_dir)

                raise RuntimeError("Build has failed.")
                _LOGGER.debug(f"make stdout:\n\n{stdout}")
                _LOGGER.debug(f"make stderr:\n\n{stderr}")

[docs]def process_task(task: Task) -> None: """This function extracts stdout and stderr from a finished task. If the task process return code is not 0, will mark the task as a failed task. Parameters ---------- task : Task A compiling task """ stdout = task._stdout stderr = task._stderr if task._proc.returncode != 0: task._failed = True "Failed: [{name}]\ncmd:\n{cmd}\nstderr:\n{stderr}\nstdout:{stdout}".format( name=task._name, cmd=task._cmd, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout ), ) task._ret = -1 else: _LOGGER.debug( "Successful: [{name}]\ncmd:\n{cmd}\nstderr:\n{stderr}\nstdout:{stdout}".format( name=task._name, cmd=task._cmd, stderr=stderr, stdout=stdout ), ) task._ret = 0
[docs]def process_return(task: Task) -> None: """This function process the task. If task is timeout or failed, raise a runtime error. Parameters ---------- task : Task A compiling task. Raises ------ RuntimeError Compiling failed. """ if not task.is_timeout() and task.is_failed(): raise RuntimeError(f"Building failed. Logs:\n{task._stdout}\n{task._stderr}")
[docs]class Runner(BaseRunner): """A parallel runner for compiling tasks. Runner is inherited from BaseRunner. """ def __init__(self, devs: List[int], timeout: int = 10): """Initialize a parallel runner for building Parameters ---------- devs : List[int] CPU ids for compiling timeout : int, optional Compiling timeout, by default 10 (seconds) """ super().__init__(devs, "builder", timeout) "Using {n} CPU for building".format(n=devs), ) self._ftask_proc = process_task self._fret_proc = process_return
[docs] def push(self, idx: Union[int, str], cmd: str, target: Target) -> None: """Push a building task into runner Parameters ---------- idx : Union[int, str] Task id cmd : str bash command for compiling target : Target Target device type for building """ self._queue.append(Task(idx, cmd, target, shell=True))
[docs] def pull(self) -> List: """Pull building results. Check whether all building tasks are successful. Returns ------- list An empty list """ ret = super().pull(self._ftask_proc, self._fret_proc) return ret
[docs]class Builder: """Builder is a module to compile generated source code files into binary objects. """ def __init__(self, n_jobs: int = -1, timeout: int = 180) -> None: """Initialize a parallel builder for compiling source code. Parameters ---------- n_jobs : int, optional Run how many parallel compiling job, by default -1, which will set n_jobs to `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` timeout : int, optional Timeout value, by default 180 (seconds) """ if n_jobs < 0: n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() num_builder = os.environ.get("NUM_BUILDERS", None) if num_builder is not None: n_jobs = int(num_builder) self._runner = Runner(n_jobs, timeout) self._n_jobs = n_jobs self._timeout = timeout self._do_trace = os.environ.get("AIT_TRACE_MAKE", False)
[docs] def build_objs( self, files: List[Tuple[str, str]], cc_cmd: str, binary_cc_cmd: Optional[str] = None, ): """Generate building task for each source code file, then build in parallel Parameters ---------- files : List[Tuple[str, str]] list of tuples of source code path and object file path cc_cmd : str command line template for building objects binary_cc_cmd : optional, str command line template for turning raw binary files (those ending in .bin) into objects. Since most compilation jobs will not need to compile these, this argument is optional. """ for idx, fpair in enumerate(files): src, target = fpair"Building " + target) if src.endswith(".bin"): if binary_cc_cmd is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot compile .bin file without specifying binary_cc_cmd!" ) src_path = Path(src) target_path = Path(target) compile_cmd = binary_cc_cmd.format(, ) containing_dir = str(src_path.parent.absolute()) # Have to cd into the containing dir so ld doesn't include # the path in the symbol names; unfortunately, there's no other # way to control this. if is_debug(): cmd = f"cd {containing_dir} && {compile_cmd} && cd -" else: # If not in debug mode, remove the original .bin file which can potentially be quite large. cmd = f"cd {containing_dir} && {compile_cmd} && rm {} && cd -" else: cmd = cc_cmd.format(target=target, src=src) cmd = _time_cmd(cmd) _LOGGER.debug(f"The cmd for building {target} is : {cmd}") self._runner.push(idx, cmd, target) self._runner.join() self._runner.pull()
[docs] def build_so(self, target: Target, objs: List[str]): """Generate a task to build all objects into a dynamic library Parameters ---------- target : Target Device target of dynamic library objs : List[str] List of all object file paths for building the dynamic library. """"Building " + target) cc = Target.current().cc() compile_options = Target.current().compile_options() fpic = "-fPIC" if "nvcc" in cc: fpic = "-Xcompiler=-fPIC" cmd = ( "{cc} -shared ".format(cc=cc) + fpic + " " + compile_options + " -o {target} {objs}".format(target=target, objs=" ".join(objs)) ) cmd = _time_cmd(cmd) _LOGGER.debug(f"The cmd for building {target} is {cmd}") self._runner.push(0, cmd, target) self._runner.join() self._runner.pull()
def gen_makefile(self, file_pairs, dll_name, workdir, test_name, debug_settings): makefile_template = jinja2.Template( """ CC = {{cc}} CFLAGS = {{CFLAGS}} fPIC_flag = {{fPIC}} obj_files = {{obj_files}} %.obj : %.{{cpp}} {{cfile_cmd}} %.obj : %.bin {{bfile_cmd}} .PHONY: all clean clean_constants all: {{targets}} {{dll_target}}: $(obj_files) {{build_so_cmd}} {{build_standalone_rules}} clean: rm -f *.obj {{targets}} clean_constants: rm -f constants.bin """ ) standalone_rules_template = jinja2.Template( """ {{standalone_src}}: {{standalone_obj}} {{cfile_cmd}} {{exe_target}}: {{exe_target_deps}} {{build_exe_cmd}} """ ) build_so_cmd = "$(CC) -shared $(fPIC_flag) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(obj_files)" standalone_src = "" standalone_obj = "standalone.obj" windll_obj = "windll.obj" obj_files = [] # * is an AITemplate internal file that is used for generating # standalone executables. We only want to compile it when the relevant # debug option is enabled. # * and windll.obj are used in for MSVC compiler # and are not needed to be used in compiler engine. obj_files = [ pair[1].split("/")[-1] for pair in file_pairs if not pair[1].endswith(standalone_obj) and not pair[1].endswith(windll_obj) ] obj_files = " ".join(obj_files) cc = Target.current().cc() compile_options = Target.current().compile_options() fpic, cpp = "-fPIC", "cpp" if "nvcc" in cc: fpic, cpp = "-Xcompiler=-fPIC", "cu" cfile_cmd = Target.current().compile_cmd(False).format(target="$@", src="$<") bfile_cmd = Target.current().binary_compile_cmd() if not bfile_cmd: bfile_cmd = "" else: bfile_cmd = bfile_cmd.format(target="$@", src="$<") if self._do_trace: cfile_cmd = _augment_for_trace(cfile_cmd) bfile_cmd = _augment_for_trace(bfile_cmd) build_so_cmd = _augment_for_trace(build_so_cmd) else: cfile_cmd = _time_cmd(cfile_cmd) bfile_cmd = _time_cmd(bfile_cmd) build_so_cmd = _time_cmd(build_so_cmd) build_exe_cmd = _time_cmd("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(obj_files)") targets = f"{dll_name}" build_standalone_rules = "" if debug_settings.gen_standalone: build_exe_cmd = f"$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ {standalone_obj} {dll_name}" exe_name = os.path.splitext(dll_name)[0] if is_windows(): exe_name += ".exe" exe_target_deps = f"{dll_name} {standalone_obj}" build_standalone_rules = standalone_rules_template.render( standalone_src=standalone_src, standalone_obj=standalone_obj, cfile_cmd=cfile_cmd, exe_target=exe_name, exe_target_deps=exe_target_deps, build_exe_cmd=build_exe_cmd, ) targets += f" {exe_name}" makefile_str = makefile_template.render( cc=cc, cpp=cpp, CFLAGS=compile_options, fPIC=fpic, obj_files=obj_files, dll_target=dll_name, targets=targets, cfile_cmd=cfile_cmd, bfile_cmd=bfile_cmd, build_so_cmd=build_so_cmd, build_standalone_rules=build_standalone_rules, ) dumpfile = os.path.join(workdir, test_name, "Makefile") with open(dumpfile, "w+") as f: # fix the makefile indentation f.write(re.sub("^ ", "\t", makefile_str, flags=re.M)) def postprocess_build_dir(self, workdir: str, test_name: str) -> None: build_dir = os.path.join(workdir, test_name) current_target = None try: current_target: Target = Target.current() except RuntimeError: pass if current_target is not None: current_target.postprocess_build_dir(build_dir) @staticmethod def _combine_profiler_multi_sources(): """Whether to combine multiple profiler sources per target.""" return bool(int(os.environ.get("COMBINE_PROFILER_MULTI_SOURCES", 1))) @staticmethod def _force_one_profiler_source_per_target(): """Whether to combine multiple profiler sources per target into one.""" return bool(int(os.environ.get("FORCE_ONE_PROFILER_SOURCE_PER_TARGET", 0))) def _combine_sources(self, sources): """ Combine multiple source files (given by path) into one source file and return the path of the combined file. Parameters ---------- sources : Iterable[str] The list of paths to the source files to combine. Returns ------- path : str The path to the combined source file. """ assert len(sources) > 0, "Must have at least one source" if len(sources) == 1: # no need to combine a single source return next(iter(sources)) file_lines = [] for source in sources: with open(source, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line.strip(): # collect the original non-empty lines file_lines.append(line) # the last line might not end with "\n" file_lines.append("\n") # generate a new file name conditioned on the list of the source file names file_name = sha1((";".join(sorted(sources))).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() file_dir = Path(next(iter(sources))).parents[0] # fetch the directory file_path = file_dir / Path(f"temp_{file_name}.cu") with open(file_path, "w") as f: # file_lines end with "\n" already f.write("".join(file_lines)) # return the path starting with "./" return os.path.join(".", str(file_path)) def _combine_profiler_sources(self, target_to_sources, num_builders): """ Combine multiple profiler sources generated for different targets to optimize the overall compilation time, given the available number of builders (CPUs). The total number of sources (across all targets) is set equal to the `num_builders`. Single-source targets are kept as is; multi-source targetss' sources are possibly combined. Simplifying assumptions: - Individual split (multiple) sources per target take approximately equal time to compile across different targets (this is, in particular, not true for the main profiler source file vs kernel-specific source files: the former is typically larger than the latter); - Compilation time grows linearly in the number of separate sources combined into a single file. Parameters ---------- target_to_soruces : dict[str, Iterable[str]] The mapping from each target name to the list of sources required to compile this target. There can be one or more sources for each target. num_builders : int The number of available builders (CPUs). Returns ---------- target_to_combined_sources : dict[str, Iterable[str]] Like `target_to_sources`, but with some of the source paths in the values replaced by the paths to the respective combined source files. Whether and which of the sources are combined depends on the arguments. """ num_total_sources = num_builders if ( len(target_to_sources) >= num_total_sources or self._force_one_profiler_source_per_target() ): # there are at least as many targets as the total # number of sources required (or single source per # target is forced): combine everything return { target: [self._combine_sources(sources)] for target, sources in target_to_sources.items() } combine_candidates = {} # multi-source targets num_multi_sources, num_single_sources = 0, 0 for target, sources in target_to_sources.items(): if len(sources) > 1: combine_candidates[target] = sources num_multi_sources += len(sources) else: num_single_sources += 1 if num_multi_sources == 0: # all targets are single-source: nothing to combine return target_to_sources if num_multi_sources + num_single_sources <= num_total_sources: # there are fewer source files than the total # number of sources required: no need to combine return target_to_sources # number of sources we need for the multi-file targets num_combined_sources = num_total_sources - num_single_sources num_sources_per_target = { # the number of combined sources per multi-source target as a # fraction of num_combined_sources is proportional to the number of # multiple sources of the target (rounded down); ultimately, there # should be at least one source target (hence max(..., 1)) target: max(int(len(sources) / num_multi_sources * num_combined_sources), 1) for target, sources in combine_candidates.items() } # do any sources remain after the above per-target distribution? remaining_sources = num_combined_sources - sum(num_sources_per_target.values()) if remaining_sources > 0: # reverse-sort the targets by the remainder after rounding down: # prefer adding sources to the targets with a higher remainder # (i.e. the ones closest to getting another source) targets = sorted( num_sources_per_target.keys(), key=lambda target: ( ( len(target_to_sources[target]) / num_multi_sources * num_combined_sources ) - int( len(target_to_sources[target]) / num_multi_sources * num_combined_sources ) ), reverse=True, ) target_id = 0 while remaining_sources > 0: # increment the number of sources for the target num_sources_per_target[targets[target_id]] += 1 target_id = (target_id + 1) % len(targets) remaining_sources -= 1 result = {} for target in target_to_sources: if target in combine_candidates: # collect the sources of the target # in N batches by round robin num_sources = num_sources_per_target[target] # TODO: form the source batches by the total number # of lines instead of the number of sources for more # even distribution of the compilation time per batch batch_id = 0 batches = [[] for _ in range(num_sources)] for source in target_to_sources[target]: batches[batch_id].append(source) batch_id = (batch_id + 1) % num_sources # conbine the sources in each batch result[target] = [self._combine_sources(b) for b in batches] else: # use the single-source profiler target as is result[target] = target_to_sources[target] return result def _gen_makefile_for_profilers(self, file_pairs, profiler_dir): makefile_template = jinja2.Template( """ all: {{targets}} .PHONY: all clean {{commands}} clean: \trm -f {{targets}} """ ) # normalize the profiler dir: add / at the end profiler_dir = os.path.join(profiler_dir, "") # deduplicate targets from different ops target_to_sources = {} for source, target in file_pairs: if target not in target_to_sources: target_to_sources[target] = set() if isinstance(source, str): target_to_sources[target].add(source) else: target_to_sources[target].update(source) # stabilize the order of sources per target target_to_sources = { target: sorted(sources) for target, sources in target_to_sources.items() } if self._combine_profiler_multi_sources(): num_sources_before = sum(len(s) for s in target_to_sources.values()) target_to_sources = self._combine_profiler_sources( target_to_sources=target_to_sources, num_builders=self._n_jobs, ) num_sources_after = sum(len(s) for s in target_to_sources.values()) f"combined {num_sources_before} profiler sources into {num_sources_after}", ) targets = [] dependencies = {} for target, sources in target_to_sources.items(): target = target.split(profiler_dir)[-1] if len(sources) == 1: # single-source profiler executable source = next(iter(sources)) source = source.split(profiler_dir)[-1] dependencies[target] = [source] else: # multi-source profiler executable objects = [] for source in sources: # first compile the objects source = source.split(profiler_dir)[-1] obj = source.replace(".cu", ".obj") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(profiler_dir, obj)): # compile the object only if it is absent dependencies[obj] = [source] objects.append(obj) # then link the objects into an executable dependencies[target] = objects targets.append(target) commands = [] num_compiled_sources = 0 target_names = set() for target, srcs in dependencies.items(): # for each "target: srcs" pair, # generate two lines for the Makefile src_list = " ".join(srcs) dep_line = f"{target}: {src_list}" cmd_line = ( Target.current() .compile_cmd(executable=(not target.endswith(".obj"))) .format(target=target, src=src_list) ) if self._do_trace: cmd_line = _augment_for_trace(cmd_line) else: cmd_line = _time_cmd(cmd_line) command = f"{dep_line}\n\t{cmd_line}\n" commands.append(command) # update compilation statistics num_compiled_sources += sum(1 for s in srcs if s.endswith(".cu")) if not target.endswith(".obj"): target_names.add(os.path.split(target)[-1])"compiling {num_compiled_sources} profiler sources")"linking {len(target_names)} profiler executables") makefile_str = makefile_template.render( targets=" ".join(set(targets)), commands="\n".join(commands), ) # make the Makefile name dependent on the built target names target_names_str = "_".join(sorted(target_names)) # stable order makefile_suffix = sha1(target_names_str.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() makefile_name = f"Makefile_{makefile_suffix}" dumpfile = os.path.join(profiler_dir, makefile_name) with open(dumpfile, "w+") as f: f.write(makefile_str) return makefile_name def make_profilers(self, generated_profilers, workdir): file_pairs = [f for gp in generated_profilers for f in gp] if not file_pairs: return build_dir = shlex.quote(os.path.join(workdir, "profiler")) makefile_name = self._gen_makefile_for_profilers(file_pairs, build_dir) # Write compiler version string(s) into build directory, so these can be used as part of cache key self._gen_compiler_version_files(build_dir) # hash all .bin files and write hash into it, so we can use their hash to build the cache key, # even if we delete the actual .bin file afterwards write_binhash_file(build_dir) make_path = shlex.quote(Target.current().make()) make_flags = " ".join( [ f"-f {makefile_name}", "--output-sync", f"-C {build_dir}", ] ) make_clean_cmd = f" {make_path} {make_flags} clean " make_all_cmd = f" {make_path} {make_flags} -j{self._n_jobs} all " cmds = [make_clean_cmd, make_all_cmd] _run_make_cmds( cmds, self._timeout, build_dir, allow_cache=(not environ.ait_build_cache_skip_profiler()), ) def _gen_compiler_version_files(self, target_dir): # Write compiler version string(s) into build directory # for cache invalidation purposes (different compiler versions # should not reuse same cached build artifacts ) cc = Target.current().cc() compilers = {} if "nvcc" in cc: # extract the part before " -ccbin " as group #1 # and the content of the quoted expression (until # the first space) after " -ccbin " as group #2 ccbin_match ='(.*) -ccbin "?([^ "]+)', cc) if ccbin_match: cc = nvcc_host_compiler = else: nvcc_host_compiler = "g++" # default, using PATH resolution compilers["nvcc_host_compiler"] = nvcc_host_compiler compilers["main_compiler"] = cc # Write compiler version string(s) # into the build directory, to enable using them for cache hash determination for compiler_name, compiler_cmd in compilers.items(): try: version_bytes = subprocess.check_output([compiler_cmd, "--version"]) with open( os.path.join(target_dir, compiler_name + ".version"), "wb", # version_bytes is bytes obj ) as fh: fh.write(version_bytes) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): _LOGGER.warn("CACHE: Could not determine version of host compiler.") # This will always invalidate the cache, due to the inclusion of a timestamp with open( os.path.join(target_dir, compiler_name + ".error.version"), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as fh: fh.write(f"Could not determine version of {compiler_cmd}\n") def make( self, file_pairs, dll_name, workdir, test_name, debug_settings=_DEBUG_SETTINGS, allow_cache=True, ): self.gen_makefile(file_pairs, dll_name, workdir, test_name, debug_settings) self.postprocess_build_dir(workdir, test_name) # Write compiler version string(s) into build directory, so these can be used as part of cache key self._gen_compiler_version_files(os.path.join(workdir, test_name)) # hash all .bin files and write hash into it, so we can use their hash to build the cache key, # even if we delete the actual .bin file afterwards write_binhash_file(os.path.join(workdir, test_name)) make_path = shlex.quote(Target.current().make()) build_dir = shlex.quote(os.path.join(workdir, test_name)) make_flags = " ".join( [ "--output-sync", f"-C {build_dir}", ] ) make_clean_cmd = f" {make_path} {make_flags} clean " make_all_cmd = f" {make_path} {make_flags} -j{self._n_jobs} all " make_clean_constants_cmd = f" {make_path} {make_flags} clean_constants " cmds = [make_clean_cmd, make_all_cmd] if not is_debug(): cmds.append(make_clean_constants_cmd) _run_make_cmds(cmds, self._timeout, build_dir, allow_cache=allow_cache)
def get_compile_engine(): if is_cmake_compilation(): from aitemplate.backend.cuda import builder_cmake compile_engine = builder_cmake.BuilderCMake() else: compile_engine = Builder() return compile_engine