Source code for aitemplate.compiler.ops.b2b_bmm.classic_b2b_bmm

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Back-to-back batched gemm fused kernel.
Computes bmm(causal_mask(alpha1 * (activation(alpha0 * bmm(Q, K) + bias))), V),

B: batch size
H: number of heads

If inputs/outputs have three dims ( singlehead case ):
Q: [B, M0, K0] (row_major),
K: [B, N0, K0] (column_major),
V: [B, N0, N1] (row_major),
bias: [B, M0, N0] (row_major).
output: [ B, M0, N1 ]

If inputs/outputs have four dims ( multihead case ),
the head dim is located at the dimension with index 2

dimension order of the parameters is

Q: [B, M0, H, K0] (row_major),
K: [B, N0, H, K0] (column_major),
V: [B, N0, H, N1] (row_major),
bias: [B, H, M0, N0] (row_major).
Output: [ B, M0, H, N1 ]

Only supports NO_CAUSAL or LOWER_LEFT_EMPTY causal mask types.
When causal_mask is enabled, M0 must be equal to N0.

Internally, it stores the results of Q@K in registers without writing them to shared memory, which is faster.
However, N0 and N1 must be <= 512.

from aitemplate.backend import registry, target
from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm, Tensor
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.b2b_bmm.b2b_bmm_base import b2b_bmm_base, CausalType

[docs]class classic_b2b_bmm(b2b_bmm_base): def __init__( self, causal_type: CausalType, epilogue_math_name: str, alpha0: float, alpha1: float, alpha1_divide_by_seq_len: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Back-to-back batched gemm fused kernels. More detailed documentation at the top of this file. Args: * causal_type (CausalType): Type of causal_mask. See comments above. * epilogue_math_name (str): Name of the activation function. Supported epilogue functions can be found from python/aitemplate/utils/mk_cutlass_lib/ * alpha0 (float): See the math function above. * alpha1 (float): See the math function above. * alpha1_divide_by_seq_len (bool) Whether divide alpha1 by seq_len. Useful when seq_len is a dynamic value so that alpah1 cannot be computed in advance. """ super().__init__( causal_type, epilogue_math_name, alpha0, alpha1, alpha1_divide_by_seq_len ) self._attrs["op"] = "classic_b2b_bmm" if ( causal_type != CausalType.NO_CAUSAL and causal_type != CausalType.LOWER_LEFT_EMPTY ): raise NotImplementedError( f"classic_b2b_bmm only supports NO_CAUSAL or LOWER_LEFT_EMPTY. Current causal type: {causal_type}" ) def _infer_shapes(self): """infer the output shape for classic_b2b_bmm.""" q, k, v, bias = self._attrs["inputs"] q_shape = q._attrs["shape"] k_shape = k._attrs["shape"] v_shape = v._attrs["shape"] head_dim = 2 seq_dim = 1 if len(q_shape) != len(k_shape) or len(q_shape) != len(v_shape): raise RuntimeError( f"QKV ranks must be the same! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) if len(q_shape) != 3 and len(k_shape) != 4: raise RuntimeError( f"QKV must have rank 3 or 4! Current rank: {len(q_shape)}, QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) if q_shape[0] != k_shape[0] or q_shape[0] != v_shape[0]: raise RuntimeError( f"QKV must have same batch size! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) batch_size = q_shape[0] M0 = q_shape[seq_dim] K0 = q_shape[-1] if K0 != k_shape[-1]: raise RuntimeError( f"Q K shapes are not compatible! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) N0 = k_shape[seq_dim] if N0 != v_shape[seq_dim]: raise RuntimeError( f"K V shapes are not compatible! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) N1 = v_shape[-1] if N0.upper_bound() > 512 or N1.upper_bound() > 512: raise RuntimeError( f"classic_b2b_bmm only supports <=512 N0 / N1. Current length: {N0=}, {N1=}" ) if not isinstance(N0, IntImm) or not isinstance(N1, IntImm): raise RuntimeError( f"classic_b2b_bmm only supports static N0 / N1. Current {N0=}, {N1=}." ) if self._attrs["causal_type"] != CausalType.NO_CAUSAL: if M0 != N0: raise RuntimeError( f"When causal_type is enabled, M0 must be equal to N0. Current {M0=}, {N0=}." ) bias_shape = bias._attrs["shape"] is_multihead = len(q_shape) == 4 if is_multihead: num_heads = q_shape[head_dim] output_shape = [batch_size, M0, num_heads, N1] if len(bias_shape) != 4: raise RuntimeError( f"Was expecting 4-dimensional bias based on q dimensionality. {len(bias_shape)=} {len(q_shape)=}" ) for bias_dim, expected_dim in zip( bias_shape, [batch_size, num_heads, M0, N0] ): if bias_dim != IntImm(1) and bias_dim != expected_dim: raise RuntimeError( f"bias shape is not compatible with Q K! " f"QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {num_heads=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}, " f"bias shapes: {bias_shape=}." ) # key sequence length is identical to last shape dim of bias tensor # so if it is also constant 1, it is not a real broadcast and permissible if bias_shape[-1] == IntImm(1) and k_shape[seq_dim] != IntImm(1): raise RuntimeError( "classic_b2b_bmm op does not support broadcasting of last dimension of bias tensor (e.g. over sequence length of key and value ). Use the expand op to emulate this broadcast behavior if you need it." ) else: num_heads = IntImm(1) self._attrs["num_heads"] = num_heads output_shape = [batch_size, M0, N1] if len(bias_shape) != 3: raise RuntimeError( f"Was expecting 3-dimensional bias based on q dimensionality. {len(bias_shape)=} {len(q_shape)=}" ) for bias_dim, expected_dim in zip(bias_shape, [batch_size, M0, N0]): if bias_dim != IntImm(1) and bias_dim != expected_dim: raise RuntimeError( f"bias shape is not compatible with Q K! " f"QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {num_heads=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}, " f"bias shapes: {bias_shape=}." ) return output_shape def __call__( self, q: Tensor, k: Tensor, v: Tensor, bias: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: """call the op Note: [H,] means optional num-heads, if it exists for one input tensor, all need to have it, Parameters ---------- q: Tensor, shape(B, M0, [H,] K0) k: Tensor, shape(B, N0, [H,] K0) v: Tensor, shape(B, N0, [H,] N1) bias: Tensor, shape(B, [H,] M0, N0) Returns ---------- Tensor, shape(B, M0, [H,], N1) """ self._attrs["inputs"] = [q, k, v, bias] self._set_depth() output_shape = self._infer_shapes() self._check_alignment() output = Tensor( output_shape, src_ops={self}, dtype=self._attrs["inputs"][0]._attrs["dtype"], ) self._attrs["outputs"] = [output] return output def _get_op_attributes(self): target_attrs = [ "causal_type", "epilogue_math_name", "alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha1_divide_by_seq_len", ] attr = {} for target_attr in target_attrs: if target_attr in self._attrs: attr[target_attr] = self._attrs[target_attr] return attr
[docs] def gen_function(self) -> str: """call backend functions""" current_target = target.Target.current() if == "rocm" or ( == "cuda" and int(current_target._arch) < 80 ): raise NotImplementedError( "classic_b2b_bmm is only supported by CUDA>=SM80 devices." ) func_key = "{target}.{op}.gen_function".format(, op=self._attrs["op"] ) func = registry.get(func_key) return func(self._attrs)