Source code for aitemplate.compiler.ops.b2b_bmm.grouped_classic_b2b_bmm

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Back-to-back batched gemm fused kernel.
Computes bmm(causal_mask(alpha1 * (activation(alpha0 * bmm(Q, K) + bias))), V),

B: batch size
H: number of heads

If inputs/outputs have three dims ( singlehead case ):
Q: [B, M0, K0] (row_major),
K: [B, N0, K0] (column_major),
V: [B, N0, N1] (row_major),
bias: [B, M0, N0] (row_major).
output: [ B, M0, N1 ]

If inputs/outputs have four dims ( multihead case ),
the head dim is located at the dimension with index 2

dimension order of the parameters is

Q: [B, M0, H, K0] (row_major),
K: [B, N0, H, K0] (column_major),
V: [B, N0, H, N1] (row_major),
bias: [B, H, M0, N0] (row_major).
Output: [ B, M0, H, N1 ]

Only supports NO_CAUSAL or LOWER_LEFT_EMPTY causal mask types.
When causal_mask is enabled, M0 must be equal to N0.

Internally, it stores the results of Q@K in registers without writing them to shared memory, which is faster.
However, N0 and N1 must be <= 512.

from aitemplate.backend import registry, target
from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntVar, Tensor
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.b2b_bmm.b2b_bmm_base import b2b_bmm_base, CausalType
from aitemplate.utils import shape_utils

def _is_power_of_two(n):
    if n <= 0:
        return False
    return (n & (n - 1)) == 0

[docs]class grouped_classic_b2b_bmm(b2b_bmm_base): def __init__( self, causal_type: CausalType, epilogue_math_name: str, alpha0: float, alpha1: float, alpha1_divide_by_seq_len: bool = False, ) -> None: r"""Back-to-back batched gemm fused kernels. More detailed documentation at the top of this file. Args: * causal_type (CausalType): Type of causal_mask. See comments above. * epilogue_math_name (str): Name of the activation function. Supported epilogue functions can be found from python/aitemplate/utils/mk_cutlass_lib/ * alpha0 (float): See the math function above. * alpha1 (float): See the math function above. * alpha1_divide_by_seq_len (bool) Whether divide alpha1 by seq_len. Useful when seq_len is a dynamic value so that alpah1 cannot be computed in advance. """ super().__init__( causal_type, epilogue_math_name, alpha0, alpha1, alpha1_divide_by_seq_len ) self._attrs["op"] = "grouped_classic_b2b_bmm" if ( causal_type != CausalType.NO_CAUSAL and causal_type != CausalType.LOWER_LEFT_EMPTY ): raise NotImplementedError( f"grouped_classic_b2b_bmm only supports NO_CAUSAL or LOWER_LEFT_EMPTY. Current causal type: {causal_type}" ) def _infer_shapes(self): """infer the output shape for grouped_classic_b2b_bmm.""" q, k, v, bias = self._attrs["inputs"] if not (q.is_jagged() and k.is_jagged() and v.is_jagged()): raise RuntimeError(f"{q=}, {k=}, {v=} must be jagged!") q_shape = q._attrs["shape"] k_shape = k._attrs["shape"] v_shape = v._attrs["shape"] bias_shape = bias._attrs["shape"] if len(q_shape) != len(k_shape) or len(q_shape) != len(v_shape): raise RuntimeError( f"QKV ranks must be the same! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) if len(q_shape) != 3: raise RuntimeError( f"QKV must have rank == 3! Current rank: {len(q_shape)}, QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) if q_shape[0] != k_shape[0] or q_shape[0] != v_shape[0]: raise RuntimeError( f"QKV must have same jagged_dim (batch_size and seq_length)! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) if q_shape[1] != k_shape[1] or q_shape[1] != v_shape[1]: raise RuntimeError( f"QKV must have same head size! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) if q_shape[2] != k_shape[2]: raise RuntimeError( f"Q and K shapes are not compatible ( inner dimension for Matmul must be identical ) - Q shape: {q_shape=}, K shape: {k_shape=}." ) batch_size = q_shape[0] K0 = q_shape[-1] if K0 != k_shape[-1]: raise RuntimeError( f"Q and K shapes are not compatible! QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}." ) num_heads = q_shape[1] output_shape = [q_shape[0], num_heads, v_shape[2]] batch_size = q_shape[0].batch_dim() max_seq_len = q_shape[0].jagged_dims()[0].max_value() if isinstance(max_seq_len, IntVar): if max_seq_len.lower_bound() != max_seq_len.upper_bound(): raise RuntimeError( "Maximum sequence length needs to be a fixed (IntImm) dimension. " ) max_seq_len = max_seq_len.upper_bound() # This is a current limitation of the classic op due to grid layout and test results if ( (not _is_power_of_two(max_seq_len)) or (max_seq_len > 512) or (max_seq_len < 64) ): raise RuntimeError( f"Maximum sequence length needs to be a fixed (IntImm) dimension with a power of two between 64 and 512 for the grouped classic b2b op to work. Actual value: {max_seq_len=}. {type(max_seq_len)=}" ) if len(bias_shape) != 4: raise RuntimeError(f"Expected bias rank 4. Current bias rank: {len(bias)}.") bias_expected_shape = [ batch_size, num_heads, max_seq_len, max_seq_len, ] broadcastable, _ = shape_utils.get_broadcast_max_shape( bias_shape, bias_expected_shape ) if not broadcastable: raise RuntimeError( f"bias shape is not compatible with Q K! " f"QKV shapes: {q_shape=}, {k_shape=}, {v_shape=}, " f"bias shapes: {bias_shape=}, {bias_expected_shape=}." ) if bias_shape[-1] != bias_expected_shape[-1]: raise RuntimeError( f"Bias last dim is not broadcastable! Expected shape: {bias_expected_shape[-1]}, current bias shape: {bias_shape}" ) return output_shape, max_seq_len def __call__( self, q: Tensor, k: Tensor, v: Tensor, bias: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: """call the op Note: [H,] means optional num-heads, if it exists for one input tensor, all need to have it, Parameters ---------- q: Tensor, shape(B, M0, [H,] K0) k: Tensor, shape(B, N0, [H,] K0) v: Tensor, shape(B, N0, [H,] N1) bias: Tensor, shape(B, [H,] M0, N0) Returns ---------- Tensor, shape(B, M0, [H,], N1) """ self._attrs["inputs"] = [q, k, v, bias] self._set_depth() output_shape, max_seq_len = self._infer_shapes() self._check_alignment() output = Tensor( output_shape, src_ops={self}, dtype=self._attrs["inputs"][0]._attrs["dtype"], ) self._attrs["outputs"] = [output] self._attrs["max_seq_len"] = max_seq_len return output def _get_op_attributes(self): target_attrs = [ "causal_type", "epilogue_math_name", "alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha1_divide_by_seq_len", ] attr = {} for target_attr in target_attrs: if target_attr in self._attrs: attr[target_attr] = self._attrs[target_attr] return attr
[docs] def gen_function(self) -> str: """call backend functions""" current_target = target.Target.current() if == "rocm" or ( == "cuda" and int(current_target._arch) < 80 ): raise NotImplementedError( "grouped_classic_b2b_bmm is only supported by CUDA>=SM80 devices." ) func_key = "{target}.{op}.gen_function".format(, op=self._attrs["op"] ) func = registry.get(func_key) return func(self._attrs)