Source code for aitemplate.compiler.ops.common.fused_elementwise

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Fused elementwise operator definition.
from typing import Iterable, List

from aitemplate import backend
from aitemplate.backend import registry
from aitemplate.compiler.base import Operator
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.common.elementwise import elementwise
from aitemplate.compiler.tensor_accessor import TensorAccessor

# pylint: disable=C0301,C0103,W0223

def _check_shapes_eq(shapes1, shapes2) -> bool:
    if len(shapes1) != len(shapes2):
        return False
    for shape1, shape2 in zip(shapes1, shapes2):
        if shape1 != shape2:
            return False
    return True

[docs]class fused_elementwise(Operator): """fused_elementwise operator is used internally. It's the actual operator which does ++ codegen. """ def _check_output_shape(self) -> None: outputs = self._attrs["outputs"] shape = outputs[0]._attrs["shape"] for i in range(1, len(outputs)): if not _check_shapes_eq(shape, outputs[i]._attrs["shape"]): raise RuntimeError( "Output shapes of fused_elementwise Op do not match! Shape1: {}. Shape2: {}.".format( shape, outputs[i]._attrs["shape"] ) ) def _update_inputs_outputs( self, inputs: Iterable[Operator], outputs: Iterable[Operator] ) -> None: self._attrs["inputs"] = list(inputs) self._attrs["input_accessors"] = [ TensorAccessor(tensor) for tensor in self._attrs["inputs"] ] self._attrs["outputs"] = list(outputs) self._attrs["output_accessors"] = [ TensorAccessor(output_tensor) for output_tensor in self._attrs["outputs"] ] self._check_output_shape() # Preserve original tensors in case there are scatter / gather fusions. # Need to copy Tensor objects. self._attrs["original_inputs"] = list(self._attrs["inputs"]) self._attrs["original_outputs"] = list(self._attrs["outputs"]) for tensor in inputs: tensor._attrs["dst_ops"].add(self) for tensor in outputs: tensor._attrs["src_ops"].add(self) def _check_constant(self) -> None: if len(self._attrs["inputs"]) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"No inputs for fused_elementwise! {self}") for input_tensor in self._attrs["inputs"]: if not input_tensor.is_a_const_num(): return raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot handle the case that all inputs of a fused_elementwise are constant numbers! " f"Please use Python to calculate directly. Operator: {self}" ) def __init__( self, elementwise_ops: List[elementwise], inputs: Iterable[Operator], outputs: Iterable[Operator], ) -> None: super().__init__() if len(elementwise_ops) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "fused_elementwise argument elementwise_ops cannot be empty!" ) # It is required that elementwise_ops need to be topologically sorted. self._attrs["op"] = "fused_elementwise" self._attrs["elementwise_ops"] = elementwise_ops self._attrs["has_profiler"] = False self._update_inputs_outputs(inputs, outputs) self._set_depth() self._check_constant() def _get_op_attributes(self): return { "elementwise_ops": self._attrs["elementwise_ops"], "inputs": self._attrs["inputs"], "outputs": self._attrs["outputs"], }
[docs] def gen_function(self) -> str: target = func_key = "{target}.{op}.gen_function".format(, op=self._attrs["op"] ) func = registry.get(func_key) return func(self._attrs)
def _args_for_pseudo_code(self): return [f"func={[op._attrs['func'] for op in self._attrs['elementwise_ops']]}"]