Source code for aitemplate.compiler.ops.conv.conv3d

#  Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

Base class for conv3d.
import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from hashlib import sha1
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import jinja2

from aitemplate import backend
from aitemplate.backend import registry
from import Target
from aitemplate.compiler.base import (
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.conv.cache_entry import Conv3dQueryEntry, Conv3dRecordEntry
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.conv.conv_common import (
from aitemplate.utils import alignment, environ, shape_utils

# pylint: disable=C0103,W0221,R1732,W0102,W1202,C0301,R1716

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SHAPE_FUNC_TEMPLATE = jinja2.Template(
{{indent}}{{dtype}}NI = {{x_dim0}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}DI = {{x_dim1}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}HI = {{x_dim2}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}WI = {{x_dim3}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}CI = {{x_dim4}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}CO = {{w_dim0}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}KD = {{w_dim1}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}KH = {{w_dim2}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}KW = {{w_dim3}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}SD = {{stride_d}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}SH = {{stride_h}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}SW = {{stride_w}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}DD = {{dilate_d}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}DH = {{dilate_h}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}DW = {{dilate_w}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}PD = {{pad_d}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}PH = {{pad_h}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}PW = {{pad_w}};
{{indent}}{{dtype}}KDEff = (KD - 1) * DD + 1;
{{indent}}{{dtype}}KHEff = (KH - 1) * DH + 1;
{{indent}}{{dtype}}KWEff = (KW - 1) * DW + 1;
{{indent}}{{dtype}}NO = NI;
{{indent}}{{dtype}}DO = (DI + PD + PD - KDEff) {{div}} SD + 1;
{{indent}}{{dtype}}HO = (HI + PH + PH - KHEff) {{div}} SH + 1;
{{indent}}{{dtype}}WO = (WI + PW + PW - KWEff) {{div}} SW + 1;

{{indent}}{{y_dim0}} = NO;
{{indent}}{{y_dim1}} = DO;
{{indent}}{{y_dim2}} = HO;
{{indent}}{{y_dim3}} = WO;
{{indent}}{{y_dim4}} = CO;

EXEC_KEY_TEMPLATE = jinja2.Template(
NI == {{x_dim0}} && DI == {{x_dim1}} && HI == {{x_dim2}} && WI == {{x_dim3}} && CI == {{x_dim4}}

EXEC_DYN_KEY_TEMPLATE = jinja2.Template(
NI >= {{x_dim0_lb}} && NI <= {{x_dim0_ub}} &&
 DI >= {{x_dim1_lb}} && DI <= {{x_dim1_ub}} &&
 HI >= {{x_dim2_lb}} && HI <= {{x_dim2_ub}} &&
 WI >= {{x_dim3_lb}} && WI <= {{x_dim3_ub}} &&
 CI == {{x_dim4}}

EXEC_COND_TEMPLATE = jinja2.Template(
{{indent}}if ({{cond}}) {
{{indent}}  {{program}}

[docs]class conv3d(Operator): r"""conv3d""" def __init__(self, stride, pad, dilate=1, group=1) -> None: """Conv3d constructor. Parameters ---------- stride : int or tuple Stride of the convolution pad : int or tuple Size of padding to add to the input dilate : int ot tuple, optional Size of spacing between kernel elements, by default 1 group : int, optional Number of blocked connections from input channels to output channels, by default 1 """ super().__init__() self._attrs["op"] = "conv3d" self._attrs["stride"] = stride if isinstance(stride, int): self._attrs["stride"] = (stride, stride, stride) self._attrs["pad"] = pad if isinstance(pad, int): self._attrs["pad"] = (pad, pad, pad) self._attrs["dilate"] = dilate if isinstance(dilate, int): self._attrs["dilate"] = (dilate, dilate, dilate) self._attrs["group"] = group self._attrs["has_profiler"] = True self._attrs["epilogue_alignment"] = 1 self._attrs["epilogue"] = "LinearCombination" self._attrs["workspace"] = 0 self._attrs["split_k"] = None self.shape_eval_template = SHAPE_FUNC_TEMPLATE self.shape_save_template = SHAPE_ASSIGNMENT_TEMPLATE self.exec_key_template = EXEC_KEY_TEMPLATE self.exec_dyn_key_template = EXEC_DYN_KEY_TEMPLATE self.exec_cond_template = EXEC_COND_TEMPLATE def _infer_shape(self, x: List[int], w: List[int]) -> List[int]: if x[4] != w[4] * self._attrs["group"]: raise RuntimeError("X/W Shape mismatch for conv3d") eval_func = self.shape_eval_template.render( indent="", dtype="", div="//", stride_d=self._attrs["stride"][0], stride_h=self._attrs["stride"][1], stride_w=self._attrs["stride"][2], pad_d=self._attrs["pad"][0], pad_h=self._attrs["pad"][1], pad_w=self._attrs["pad"][2], dilate_d=self._attrs["dilate"][0], dilate_h=self._attrs["dilate"][1], dilate_w=self._attrs["dilate"][2], x_dim0=x[0], x_dim1=x[1], x_dim2=x[2], x_dim3=x[3], x_dim4=x[4], w_dim0=w[0], w_dim1=w[1], w_dim2=w[2], w_dim3=w[3], ) output = {} exec(eval_func, output) # noqa: P204 return [ int(output["NO"]), int(output["DO"]), int(output["HO"]), int(output["WO"]), int(output["CO"]), ] def _infer_shapes(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor) -> List[int]: x_shape_values = [var._attrs["values"] for var in x._attrs["shape"]] x_shapes = itertools.product(*x_shape_values) w_shape = [var._attrs["values"][0] for var in w._attrs["shape"]] self._attrs["CO"] = w_shape[0] self._attrs["KD"] = w_shape[1] self._attrs["KH"] = w_shape[2] self._attrs["KW"] = w_shape[3] # run infershape for each y_shapes = [] for x_shape in x_shapes: y_shape = self._infer_shape(x_shape, w_shape) y_shapes.append(y_shape) def unique(vector): return sorted(set(vector)) output_shape = [ x._attrs["shape"][0], shape_utils.gen_int_var(unique([d[1] for d in y_shapes])), shape_utils.gen_int_var(unique([d[2] for d in y_shapes])), shape_utils.gen_int_var(unique([d[3] for d in y_shapes])), shape_utils.gen_int_var(unique([d[4] for d in y_shapes])), ] return output_shape def _invert_exec_key(self, key): tmp = re.findall(r"(\d+)", key) return [int(x) for x in tmp] def _gen_exec_key(self, shape: List[int]): return self.exec_key_template.render( x_dim0=shape[0], x_dim1=shape[1], x_dim2=shape[2], x_dim3=shape[3], x_dim4=shape[4], ).replace("\n", "") def _gen_dyn_exec_key( self, dim0_lb, dim0_ub, dim1_lb, dim1_ub, dim2_lb, dim2_ub, dim3_lb, dim3_ub, dim4, ): return self.exec_dyn_key_template.render( x_dim0_lb=dim0_lb, x_dim0_ub=dim0_ub, x_dim1_lb=dim1_lb, x_dim1_ub=dim1_ub, x_dim2_lb=dim2_lb, x_dim2_ub=dim2_ub, x_dim3_lb=dim3_lb, x_dim3_ub=dim3_ub, x_dim4=dim4, ).replace("\n", "") def _extract_exec_path(self, x: Tensor): x_shape_values = [var._attrs["values"] for var in x._attrs["shape"]] # FIXME: we take the max height and weight for profiling at the moment. # Let's figure out a better profiling strategy later. # The following attribute is temporarily used to hold the lower bounds of # all dimensions. We will remove them later once we have a better profiling # strategy. self._attrs["dim_lower_bounds"] = [min(vals) for vals in x_shape_values] x_shape_values = [x_shape_values[0]] + [[max(vs)] for vs in x_shape_values[1:]] x_shapes = itertools.product(*x_shape_values) self._attrs["exec_path"] = OrderedDict() for x_shape in x_shapes: key = self._gen_exec_key(x_shape) self._attrs["exec_path"][key] = "" def _signature(self): signature = "conv3d: K=[{kd}, {kh}, {kw}], S=[{sd}, {sh}, {sw}], P=[{pd}, {ph}, {pw}], CO=[{co}]".format( kd=self._attrs["KD"], kh=self._attrs["KH"], kw=self._attrs["KW"], sd=self._attrs["stride"][0], sh=self._attrs["stride"][1], sw=self._attrs["stride"][2], pd=self._attrs["pad"][0], ph=self._attrs["pad"][1], pw=self._attrs["pad"][2], co=self._attrs["CO"], ) return signature def _extract_epilogue_alignment(self, output_shape: List[IntVar]) -> None: epilogue_dim = output_shape[-1] if not isinstance(epilogue_dim, IntImm): raise RuntimeError("Conv output last dimension must be static!") self._attrs["epilogue_alignment"] = alignment.find_max_alignment( number=epilogue_dim._attrs["values"][0], dtype=self._attrs["inputs"][0]._attrs["dtype"], ) def __call__(self, x: Tensor, w: Tensor) -> List[Tensor]: """Call conv3d with tensors x, w Parameters ---------- x : Tensor in shape (N, D, H, W, C_in) w : Tensor in shape (C_out, K_d, K_h, K_w, C_in) Returns ------- List[Tensor] includes the output tensor in shape (N, D_out, H_out, W_out, C_out) """ self._attrs["inputs"] = [x, w] self._set_depth() output_shape = self._infer_shapes(x, w) self._extract_exec_path(x) self._extract_epilogue_alignment(output_shape) output = Tensor(output_shape, src_ops={self}, dtype=x._attrs["dtype"]) self._attrs["outputs"] = [output] return output def _get_op_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: target_attrs = ["dilate", "group", "pad", "stride"] attr = {} for target_attr in target_attrs: if target_attr in self._attrs: attr[target_attr] = self._attrs[target_attr] return attr def _should_build_profiler(self) -> bool: """ Check if we should build profilers. If we have a cached entry for this gemm instance, we update this gemm op's relevant attributes with the cached result and return False. """ force_cache = environ.force_profiler_cache() if self._has_dynamic_input_dims(): if force_cache: raise RuntimeError( "We cannot force to use the cache as dynamic dims require " "us to generate and build the profilers" ) # If there are dynamic dims, we'll have to generate and build the # profilers, as the binaries will be needed for dynamic profiling. return True # We are forced to use the cache so we skip building profilers. if force_cache: return False target = workloads = list(self._attrs["exec_path"].keys()) build_profiler = True # Now, let's query if all of our workloads have cache entries. If that # is the case, it is safely to skip generating and building profilers. if not target.use_dummy_profiling_results(): tmp_key = next(iter(self._attrs["op_instance"].keys())) tmp_op = self._attrs["op_instance"][tmp_key] build_profiler = False for wkl in workloads: exec_entry_sha1 = sha1(wkl.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() split_k = ( 1 if self._attrs["split_k"] is None else self._attrs["split_k"] ) query = Conv3dQueryEntry( dtype_a=tmp_op.A.element.value - 1, dtype_b=tmp_op.B.element.value - 1, dtype_c=tmp_op.C.element.value - 1, dtype_acc=tmp_op.tile_description.math_instruction.element_accumulator.value - 1, major_a=tmp_op.A.layout.value, major_b=tmp_op.B.layout.value, major_c=tmp_op.C.layout.value, kd=self._attrs["KD"], kh=self._attrs["KH"], kw=self._attrs["KW"], co=self._attrs["CO"], stride_d=self._attrs["stride"][0], stride_h=self._attrs["stride"][1], stride_w=self._attrs["stride"][2], pad_d=self._attrs["pad"][0], pad_h=self._attrs["pad"][1], pad_w=self._attrs["pad"][2], dilate_d=self._attrs["dilate"][0], dilate_h=self._attrs["dilate"][1], dilate_w=self._attrs["dilate"][2], op_type=self._attrs["op"], device=target._arch, epilogue=tmp_op.epilogue_functor.value, split_k=split_k, exec_entry_sha1=exec_entry_sha1, ) cache_value = target.query_profile_cache("conv3d", query.__dict__) if cache_value is not None and not target.force_profile(): f'Load profiling result for {self._attrs["name"]} ' f"from cache: {cache_value}", ) best_algo, workspace = cache_value self._attrs["exec_path"][wkl] = best_algo self._attrs["workspace"] = max(self._attrs["workspace"], workspace) else: # cache miss - we will have to generate and build profilers build_profiler = True return build_profiler
[docs] def gen_profiler( self, workdir: str = None, dynamic_profiling_strategy=DynamicProfileStrategy.HINTS, ) -> None: """Profiler generator. Parameters ---------- workdir : str, optional, by default None dynamic_profiling_strategy: DynamicProfileStrategy, optional A dynamic profiling strategy, used to filter generated profiles at compile time. See also: :func:`~aitemplate.compiler.transform.profile.profile` """ target = func_key = "{target}.{op}.config".format(, op=self._attrs["op"] ) func = registry.get(func_key) func(self._attrs, dtype=self._attrs["inputs"][0]._attrs["dtype"]) if self._should_build_profiler(): x_shapes = [ self._invert_exec_key(exec_key) for exec_key in self._attrs["exec_path"] ] self._attrs["op_instance"] = filter_op_instances( func_attrs=self._attrs, x_shapes=x_shapes, ) return generate_profiler_sources( func_attrs=self._attrs, op_class="conv3d", workdir=workdir, shape_template=self.shape_eval_template, )
def _gen_profile_cmd(self, profiler_prefix, cfg, x_shape): exe_path = os.path.join(profiler_prefix, cfg) if not os.access(exe_path, os.X_OK): raise RuntimeError("Profiler %s is not executable" % exe_path) cmd = [exe_path] cmd.append(x_shape[0]) cmd.append(x_shape[1]) cmd.append(x_shape[2]) cmd.append(x_shape[3]) cmd.append(x_shape[4]) cmd.append(self._attrs["KD"]) cmd.append(self._attrs["KH"]) cmd.append(self._attrs["KW"]) cmd.append(self._attrs["CO"]) cmd.append(self._attrs["stride"][0]) cmd.append(self._attrs["stride"][1]) cmd.append(self._attrs["stride"][2]) cmd.append(self._attrs["pad"][0]) cmd.append(self._attrs["pad"][1]) cmd.append(self._attrs["pad"][2]) cmd.append(self._attrs["dilate"][0]) cmd.append(self._attrs["dilate"][1]) cmd.append(self._attrs["dilate"][2]) cmd.append(self._attrs["group"]) command = [str(x) for x in cmd] return command def _profile_single_workload(self, profiler_prefix, exec_key, devices, force_cache): target = # query cache tmp_key = next(iter(self._attrs["op_instance"].keys())) tmp_op = self._attrs["op_instance"][tmp_key] exec_entry_sha1 = sha1(exec_key.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() split_k = 1 if self._attrs["split_k"] is None else self._attrs["split_k"] query = Conv3dQueryEntry( dtype_a=tmp_op.A.element.value - 1, dtype_b=tmp_op.B.element.value - 1, dtype_c=tmp_op.C.element.value - 1, dtype_acc=tmp_op.tile_description.math_instruction.element_accumulator.value - 1, major_a=tmp_op.A.layout.value, major_b=tmp_op.B.layout.value, major_c=tmp_op.C.layout.value, kd=self._attrs["KD"], kh=self._attrs["KH"], kw=self._attrs["KW"], co=self._attrs["CO"], stride_d=self._attrs["stride"][0], stride_h=self._attrs["stride"][1], stride_w=self._attrs["stride"][2], pad_d=self._attrs["pad"][0], pad_h=self._attrs["pad"][1], pad_w=self._attrs["pad"][2], dilate_d=self._attrs["dilate"][0], dilate_h=self._attrs["dilate"][1], dilate_w=self._attrs["dilate"][2], op_type=self._attrs["op"], device=target._arch, epilogue=tmp_op.epilogue_functor.value, split_k=split_k, exec_entry_sha1=exec_entry_sha1, ) cache_value = target.query_profile_cache("conv3d", query.__dict__) if cache_value is not None and not target.force_profile():"Load profiling result from cache.") return cache_value if cache_value is None and force_cache: op_type = self._attrs["op"] raise RuntimeError( "force_cache is enabled but we could not find the following cache ", f"available on device {target._arch=}, {op_type=}, {exec_entry_sha1=}", ) if target.use_dummy_profiling_results(): op_type = self._attrs["op"] raise Exception( "This is a CI run but we could not find the following cache ", f"available on device {target._arch}\n", f"{op_type} {exec_entry_sha1}.\n", "To bypass, you need to make it available in the db table.", ) profiler_filename = get_profiler_filename(self._attrs, "conv3d") runner = backend.profiler_runner.Runner(devices, self._attrs["name"]) x_shape = self._invert_exec_key(exec_key) command = self._gen_profile_cmd(profiler_prefix, profiler_filename, x_shape) runner.push(profiler_filename, command) runner.join() result = runner.pull() if len(result) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "Profile workload: " f"{exec_key}" " failed. " f"Results: {result}." ) out = min(result, key=itemgetter(1)) best_algo = out[1].op_config workspace = out[1].workspace ## cache cache_record = Conv3dRecordEntry( exec_entry=exec_key, exec_entry_sha1=exec_entry_sha1, dtype_a=tmp_op.A.element.value - 1, dtype_b=tmp_op.B.element.value - 1, dtype_c=tmp_op.C.element.value - 1, dtype_acc=tmp_op.tile_description.math_instruction.element_accumulator.value - 1, major_a=tmp_op.A.layout.value, major_b=tmp_op.B.layout.value, major_c=tmp_op.C.layout.value, kd=self._attrs["KD"], kh=self._attrs["KH"], kw=self._attrs["KW"], co=self._attrs["CO"], stride_d=self._attrs["stride"][0], stride_h=self._attrs["stride"][1], stride_w=self._attrs["stride"][2], pad_d=self._attrs["pad"][0], pad_h=self._attrs["pad"][1], pad_w=self._attrs["pad"][2], dilate_d=self._attrs["dilate"][0], dilate_h=self._attrs["dilate"][1], dilate_w=self._attrs["dilate"][2], op_type=self._attrs["op"], epilogue=tmp_op.epilogue_functor.value, device=target._arch, algo=best_algo, workspace=workspace, split_k=split_k, # todo add into profile ) Target.current().insert_profile_cache("conv3d", cache_record.__dict__) return (best_algo, workspace) def _has_dynamic_input_dims(self): for input_tensor in self._attrs["inputs"]: for dim in input_tensor._attrs["shape"]: if not isinstance(dim, IntImm): return True return False
[docs] def profile( self, workdir="./", devices=None, dynamic_profiling_strategy=DynamicProfileStrategy.HINTS, ): if devices is None: devices = [0] self._profile_static(workdir, devices) if self._has_dynamic_input_dims(): if dynamic_profiling_strategy != DynamicProfileStrategy.HINTS: raise NotImplementedError( "conv3d only supports HINTS dynamic profiling strategy for now! Current strategy: {}".format( dynamic_profiling_strategy ) ) self._profile_dynamic_dim(workdir)
def _profile_static(self, workdir, devices): """Profiles with static shapes.""" workloads = list(self._attrs["exec_path"].keys()) profiler_prefix = os.path.join(workdir, "profiler", self._attrs["op"]) target = if "op_instance" not in self._attrs or len(self._attrs["op_instance"]) == 0: # init candidate ops func_key = "{target}.{op}.config".format(, op=self._attrs["op"] ) func = registry.get(func_key) func(self._attrs, dtype=self._attrs["inputs"][0]._attrs["dtype"]) force_cache = environ.force_profiler_cache() for wkl in workloads: "Profile: {name}: {wkl}".format(name=self._attrs["name"], wkl=wkl), ) # if in CI just choose minimal configs # workspace is a hack just provides 102400 Byte if target.use_dummy_profiling_results() and not force_cache: algo = target.select_minimal_algo( list(self._attrs["op_instance"].keys()) )"Select minimal algo {algo} for CI") self._attrs["exec_path"][wkl] = algo self._attrs["workspace"] = 102400 elif self._attrs["exec_path"][wkl] == "": best_algo, workspace = self._profile_single_workload( profiler_prefix, wkl, devices, force_cache ) self._attrs["exec_path"][wkl] = best_algo self._attrs["workspace"] = max(self._attrs["workspace"], workspace) def _profile_dynamic_dim(self, workdir): """Profiles with dynamic shapes.""" # extract dynamic dim from exec_path def _extract_dynamic_dim(exec_keys):"ONLY SUPPORT DYNAMIC BATCH (dim0)!") var_dims = [[], [], [], [], []] for key in exec_keys: dims = self._invert_exec_key(key) for i, v in enumerate(dims): var_dims[i].append(v) return var_dims dim_lbs = self._attrs["dim_lower_bounds"] dims = _extract_dynamic_dim(self._attrs["exec_path"].keys()) dim0_lb = dim_lbs[0] dim1_lb = dim_lbs[1] dim2_lb = dim_lbs[2] dim3_lb = dim_lbs[3] # dims' upper bounds are the same except the batch dimension dim1_ub = dims[1][0] dim2_ub = dims[2][0] dim3_ub = dims[3][0] dim4 = dims[4][0] num_exec_path = len(self._attrs["exec_path"]) if num_exec_path < 1: return algos = list(self._attrs["exec_path"].values()) if num_exec_path == 1 or len(set(algos)) <= 1: # all exec paths point to the same algo new_exec_paths = OrderedDict() # Because we have a single algo, it's safe to just take the upper # bound of dim0 (i.e. batch dim) values. dim0_ub = max(dims[0]) # We need to generate new exec paths that ensure the ranges of # likely dynamic heights and weights. new_key = self._gen_dyn_exec_key( dim0_lb, dim0_ub, dim1_lb, dim1_ub, dim2_lb, dim2_ub, dim3_lb, dim3_ub, dim4, ) new_exec_paths[new_key] = algos[0] self._attrs["exec_path"] = new_exec_paths return target = if target.use_dummy_profiling_results(): return profiler_prefix = os.path.join(workdir, "profiler", self._attrs["op"]) runner = backend.profiler_runner.Runner([0], self._attrs["name"]) # generate region regions = [] # lb, ub, lb_algos, ub_algos for i in range(len(dims[0]) - 1): regions.append([dims[0][i], dims[0][i + 1], algos[i], algos[i + 1]]) # for each region, # binary search to find cutting point # generate new exec special_cases = OrderedDict() new_exec_paths = OrderedDict() for lb, ub, lb_algo, ub_algo in regions: mid = (lb + ub) // 2 origin_lb = lb origin_ub = ub last_mid = mid while mid > lb and mid < ub: mid = (lb + ub) // 2 mid_shape = [mid, dim1_ub, dim2_ub, dim3_ub, dim4] "current: lb_algo: {lb_algo}, LB:{lb} MID:{mid} UB:{ub}".format( lb_algo=lb_algo, lb=lb, mid=mid, ub=ub ), ) # run the profiler binary with all ops on the mid_shape # and fetch the results only for the lb_algo and ub_algo profiler_filename = get_profiler_filename(self._attrs, "conv3d") profiler_cmd = self._gen_profile_cmd( profiler_prefix, profiler_filename, mid_shape ) runner.push( idx=profiler_filename, cmd=profiler_cmd, return_ops=[str(lb_algo), str(ub_algo)], ) runner.join() result = runner.pull() result_dict = {res.op_config: res for res in result[0][1]} assert len(result_dict) >= 1 # if there is only one result, assume ub algo failed. if len(result_dict) == 1: assert str(ub_algo) not in result_dict # last_lb = lb lb = mid + 1 # if there are two result, compare to decide new lb/ub else: lb_time = result_dict[str(lb_algo)].duration ub_time = result_dict[str(ub_algo)].duration if lb_time < ub_time: # lb algo can work with larger batch # last_lb = lb lb = mid + 1 else: # ub algo can work with smaller batch # last_ub = ub ub = mid - 1 last_mid = mid mid = (lb + ub) // 2 lo_region_key = self._gen_dyn_exec_key( origin_lb, last_mid, dim1_lb, dim1_ub, dim2_lb, dim2_ub, dim3_lb, dim3_ub, dim4, ) up_region_key = self._gen_dyn_exec_key( last_mid, origin_ub, dim1_lb, dim1_ub, dim2_lb, dim2_ub, dim3_lb, dim3_ub, dim4, ) new_exec_paths[lo_region_key] = lb_algo new_exec_paths[up_region_key] = ub_algo # find special cases # This code is kept in case need fully tested dynamic code # So far I find binary search works well. # def _find_special_case(lb, ub, algo): # for i in range(lb + 1, ub + 1): # x_shape = [i, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4] # cmd = self._gen_profile_cmd(profiler_prefix, str(algo), x_shape) # runner.push(0, cmd) # runner.join() # out = runner.pull() # if len(out) == 0: # specail case: batch=%d" % i) # algo = self._profile_single_workload(profiler_prefix, x_shape, [0]) # special_cases[self._gen_exec_key(x_shape)] = algo # # "Searching for specail cases between [{lb}, {ub}]".format(lb=origin_lb, # ub=last_mid)) # _find_special_case(origin_lb, last_mid, lb_algo) # # "Searching for specail cases between [{lb}, {ub}]".format(lb=last_mid + 1, # ub=origin_ub)) # _find_special_case(last_mid, origin_ub, ub_algo) special_cases.update(new_exec_paths) self._attrs["exec_path"] = special_cases
[docs] def gen_function(self) -> str: target = op_name = self._attrs["op"] func_key = "{target}.{op}.gen_function".format(, op=op_name) func = registry.get(func_key) return func( self._attrs, self.exec_cond_template, self.shape_eval_template, self.shape_save_template, )