Source code for aitemplate.compiler.ops.gemm_universal.group_gemm_rcr_bias

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Grouped GEMM Specialization: GEMM_RCR(A, B) + Bias
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List

import jinja2

from aitemplate.compiler.base import ExecItem, Tensor
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.gemm_universal.gemm_rcr_bias import gemm_rcr_bias
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.gemm_universal.group_gemm_rcr import (

from aitemplate.compiler.stable_set import StableSet
from aitemplate.compiler.tensor_accessor import TensorAccessor

# pylint: disable=C0103,W0223,W0221,W0613

EXEC_KEY_TEMPLATE = jinja2.Template(
{% for mnk in group_mnk %} {% if loop.index0 != 0 %} && {% endif %}
GROUP_{{loop.index0}}_M == {{mnk[0]}} &&
GROUP_{{loop.index0}}_N == {{mnk[1]}} &&
GROUP_{{loop.index0}}_K == {{mnk[2]}}
{% endfor %}

[docs]class group_gemm_rcr_bias(group_gemm_rcr): """Grouped GEMM Specialization: GEMM_RCR(A, B) + Bias This operator is equivalent to the following pytorch code: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python # group 1 A1 = torch.randn(M1, K1).cuda().half() B1 = torch.randn(N1, K1).cuda().half() Bias1 = torch.randn(N1).cuda().half() y1 = torch.nn.functional.linear(A1, B1, bias=Bias1) ... # group n An = torch.randn(Mn, Kn).cuda().half() Bn = torch.randn(Nn, Kn).cuda().half() Biasn = torch.randn(Nn).cuda().half() yn = torch.nn.functional.linear(An, Bn, bias=Biasn) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.shape_eval_template = SHAPE_EVAL_TEMPLATE self._attrs["op"] = "group_gemm_rcr_bias" def _extract_exec_path(self, dynamic_profiling_strategy=None): if dynamic_profiling_strategy is not None: # FIXME: Make group_gemm support dynamic_profiling_strategy. return # check batch dim same for each group batch_dim = self._attrs["inputs"][0]._attrs["shape"][0] for i in range(self._attrs["groups"]): if batch_dim != self._attrs["inputs"][i * 3]._attrs["shape"][0]: raise RuntimeError("Batch dim is different in groups") # for each batch create exec_path self._attrs["exec_path"] = OrderedDict() for m_value in batch_dim._attrs["values"]: group_mnk = [] for i in range(self._attrs["groups"]): b = self._attrs["inputs"][i * 3 + 1] mnk = [m_value] mnk.append(b._attrs["shape"][0]._attrs["values"][0]) mnk.append(b._attrs["shape"][1]._attrs["values"][0]) group_mnk.append(mnk) exec_key = EXEC_KEY_TEMPLATE.render(group_mnk=group_mnk).replace("\n", "") self._attrs["exec_path"][exec_key] = ExecItem( profiling_key=exec_key, exec_cond=exec_key, algo="", ) def input_a_accessors(self) -> List[TensorAccessor]: return group_gemm_rcr._one_input_accessors( self._attrs["input_accessors"], num_inputs_per_group=3, idx=0 ) def input_b_accessors(self) -> List[TensorAccessor]: return group_gemm_rcr._one_input_accessors( self._attrs["input_accessors"], num_inputs_per_group=3, idx=1 ) def input_bias_accessors(self) -> List[TensorAccessor]: return group_gemm_rcr._one_input_accessors( self._attrs["input_accessors"], num_inputs_per_group=3, idx=2 ) def __call__(self, operand_groups: List[List[Tensor]], output_stride_dim=None): # FIXME: when output_stride_dim is specified, we will concat the outputs of the # grouped gemm along the stride_dim axis. It's a temporary solution for # a pattern where the outputs of a grouped gemm can be concatenated # to form a single larger tensor. We will write a pass to detect such a # pattern automatically. self._attrs["inputs"] = [] ret = [] epilogue_alignment = 8 for a, b, bias in operand_groups: op = gemm_rcr_bias() c = op(a, b, bias) c._attrs["src_ops"] = StableSet([self]) a._attrs["dst_ops"].remove(op) b._attrs["dst_ops"].remove(op) bias._attrs["dst_ops"].remove(op) epilogue_alignment = min( op._attrs["epilogue_alignment"], epilogue_alignment ) ret.append(c) self._attrs["inputs"].append(a) self._attrs["inputs"].append(b) self._attrs["inputs"].append(bias) self._set_depth() self._attrs["input_accessors"] = [ TensorAccessor(a) for i, a in enumerate(self._attrs["inputs"]) ] self._attrs["output_accessors"] = [TensorAccessor(c) for c in ret] self._attrs["groups"] = len(ret) if output_stride_dim is not None: # FIXME: replace this manual concat with an automated pass if output_stride_dim != 1: raise RuntimeError( "only support cases where output_stride_dim equals to 1" ) self._attrs["output_stride_dim"] = output_stride_dim ret = self._concat_strided_outputs(ret, output_stride_dim) self._attrs["outputs"] = [ret] else: self._attrs["outputs"] = ret self._attrs["epilogue_alignment"] = epilogue_alignment self._extract_exec_path() # This is a lazy way to allocate space for args # Reserve 12 * 4 * len(groups) byte for each field # 12 is read of sizeof(GemmCoord) # problem_sizes_device # ptrA/B/C/D # lda/b/c/d # problem_sizes_device: N * GemmCoord -> N * 3 * sizeof(int64_t) ~ 32 * N # ptrA/B/C/D: N * sizeof(half*) ~ N * 8 for each # lda/b/c/d: N * sizeof(int64_t) ~ N * 8 for each # total: N * 8 * 4 + N * 8 * 4 + N * 8 * 4 # total: 3 * 32 * N args_size = 96 * self._attrs["groups"] self._attrs["unique_workspace"] = args_size return ret