Source code for aitemplate.compiler.ops.gemm_universal.perm021fc_ccr_bias_permute

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GEMM Specialization: (A.permute(0, 2, 1)[col] @ B[col] + Bias).permute(0, 2, 1)
from aitemplate.compiler.base import Tensor
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.common.view_ops import reshape
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.gemm_universal.perm021fc_ccr_bias import perm021fc_ccr_bias
from aitemplate.compiler.tensor_accessor import TensorAccessor

# pylint: disable=C0103,W0223,W0221,W0613

[docs]class perm021fc_ccr_bias_permute(perm021fc_ccr_bias): """ GEMM Specialization: (A.permute(0, 2, 1) @ B + Bias).permute(0, 2, 1) Note: This fusion may be slower than the non-fused version due to NVCC is not able to optimize the fused version. This op is equivalent to the following PyTorch code: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python X_pt = torch.randn(B, K, M).cuda().half() W_pt = torch.randn(N, K).cuda().half() Bias_pt = torch.randn(N).cuda().half() XT = X_pt.permute(0, 2, 1) XT = torch.reshape(XT, (-1, K)) Y_pt = torch.nn.functional.linear(XT, W_pt, bias=B_pt) Y_pt = torch.reshape(Y_pt, (B, M, N)) Y_pt = Y_pt.permute(0, 2, 1) """ def __init__(self, layout="021"): """Constructor for perm021fc_ccr_bias_permute""" super().__init__() self._attrs["op"] = "perm021fc_ccr_bias_permute" self._attrs["shape"] = [0] # this is a hack self._attrs["layout"] = "Permute3DBMM_{}".format(layout) def __call__(self, a: Tensor, b: Tensor, bias: Tensor) -> Tensor: a, b = self._align_ab(a, b) self._attrs["inputs"] = [a, b, bias] self._attrs["input_accessors"] = [ TensorAccessor(tensor) for tensor in self._attrs["inputs"] ] self._set_depth() self._sanity_check(a, b) output_shape = self._infer_shapes(a, b, bias) self._extract_epilogue_alignment(output_shape) output = Tensor(output_shape, src_ops={self}, dtype=a._attrs["dtype"]) self._attrs["outputs"] = [output] self._attrs["output_accessors"] = [TensorAccessor(output)] if self._attrs["layout"] == "Permute3DBMM_021": b, m, n = output_shape output_shape = [b, n, m] self._attrs["epilogue_alignment"] = 1 return reshape()(output, output_shape) else: raise NotImplementedError( "{} is not implemented!".format(self._attrs["layout"]) ) def _get_op_attributes(self): return {"layout": self._attrs["layout"].split("_")[-1]}