Source code for aitemplate.compiler.ops.tensor.chunk

#  Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import math

from typing import List

from aitemplate.compiler.base import Tensor
from aitemplate.compiler.ops.tensor.split import split

[docs]class chunk(split): """ Attempts to split a tensor into the specified number of chunks Args: input (Tensor): the tensor to split chunks (int): number of chunks to return. Must be >= 1 dim (int) : optional, axes along which to split the tensor, by default 0 Returns : List[Tensor]: If the tensor size along the given dimesion dim is divisible by chunks, all returned chunks will be the same size. If the tensor size along the given dimension dim is not divisible by chunks, all returned chunks will be the same size, except the last one. If such division is not possible, this function may return less than the specified number of chunks. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._attrs["op"] = "split" def __call__(self, input: Tensor, chunks: int, dim: int = 0) -> List[Tensor]: if chunks < 1: raise RuntimeError(f"chunks must be >= 1 but got {chunks=}") input_shape = input._attrs["shape"] input_rank = len(input_shape) if input_rank <= 0: raise RuntimeError("expected a non-scalar tensor") if dim >= input_rank: raise RuntimeError(f"chunk {dim=} expected to be less than {input_rank=}") split_dim_sizes = input_shape[dim]._attrs["values"] if len(split_dim_sizes) > 1: raise RuntimeError(f"Not implemented: chunk along dynamic axes {dim=}") length = split_dim_sizes[0] chunk_size = math.ceil(length / chunks) full_chunks = math.floor(length / chunk_size) tail_chunk_size = length % chunk_size split_size_or_sections = [chunk_size] * full_chunks if tail_chunk_size > 0: split_size_or_sections.append(tail_chunk_size) return super().__call__( x=input, split_size_or_sections=split_size_or_sections, dim=dim )