Source code for aitemplate.frontend.nn.roi_ops

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RoiAlign-family modules.
from aitemplate.compiler.ops import multi_level_roi_align, roi_align
from aitemplate.frontend.nn.module import Module

[docs]class RoiAlign(Module): r""" Performs Region of Interest (RoI) Align operator with average pooling, as described in Mask R-CNN. * :attr:`num_rois` identifies the number of RoIs in the input. * :attr:`pooled_size` identifies the size of the pooling section, i.e., the size of the output (in bins or pixels) after the pooling is performed, as (height, width). * :attr:`sampling_ratio` is the number of sampling points in the interpolation grid used to compute the output value of each pooled output bin. If > 0, then exactly ``sampling_ratio x sampling_ratio`` sampling points per bin are used. If <= 0, then an adaptive number of grid points are used (computed as ``ceil(roi_width / output_width)``, and likewise for height). * :attr:`spatial_scale` is a scaling factor that maps the box coordinates to the input coordinates. For example, if your boxes are defined on the scale of a 224x224 image and your input is a 112x112 feature map (resulting from a 0.5x scaling of the original image), you'll want to set this to 0.5. * :attr:`position_sensitive`, a bool value. * :attr:`continuous_coordinate`. a bool value. Args: x (Tensor[N, H, W, C]): the feature map, i.e. a batch with ``N`` elements. Each element contains ``C`` feature maps of dimensions ``H x W``. rois (Tensor[roi_batch, 5]): the list of RoIs and each ROI contains the index of the corresponding element in the batch, i.e. a number in ``[0, N - 1]``, and the box coordinates in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format where the regions will be taken from. The coordinate must satisfy ``0 <= x1 < x2`` and ``0 <= y1 < y2``. Return: Tensor[roi_batch, pooled_size, pooled_size, C]: the fixed-size feature maps, i.e., the pooled RoIs. """ def __init__( self, num_rois, pooled_size, sampling_ratio, spatial_scale, position_sensitive, continuous_coordinate, ): super().__init__() self.op = roi_align( num_rois, pooled_size, sampling_ratio, spatial_scale, position_sensitive, continuous_coordinate, )
[docs] def forward(self, *args): """Performs RoiAlign on the input.""" assert len(args) == 2 x = args[0] rois = args[1] return self.op(x, rois)
[docs]class FPNRoiAlign(Module): """ Performs Multiple level Region of Interest (RoI) Align operator with average pooling, as described in Mask R-CNN. * :attr:`num_rois` identifies the number of RoIs in the input. * :attr:`pooled_size` identifies the size of the pooling section, i.e., the size of the output (in bins or pixels) after the pooling is performed, as (height, width). * :attr:`sampling_ratio` is the number of sampling points in the interpolation grid used to compute the output value of each pooled output bin. If > 0, then exactly ``sampling_ratio x sampling_ratio`` sampling points per bin are used. If <= 0, then an adaptive number of grid points are used (computed as ``ceil(roi_width / output_width)``, and likewise for height). * :attr:`spatial_scale` is a scaling factor that maps the box coordinates to the input coordinates. For example, if your boxes are defined on the scale of a 224x224 image and your input is a 112x112 feature map (resulting from a 0.5x scaling of the original image), you'll want to set this to 0.5. * :attr:`position_sensitive`, a bool value. * :attr:`continuous_coordinate`, a bool value. * :attr:`im_shape`, original image shape. Args: p1 (Tensor[N, H//4, W//4, C]): the feature map, i.e. a batch with ``N`` elements. Each element contains ``C`` feature maps of dimensions ``(H//4) x (W//4)``. p2 (Tensor[N, H//8, W//8, C]): the feature map, i.e. a batch with ``N`` elements. Each element contains ``C`` feature maps of dimensions ``(H//8) x (W//8)``. p3 (Tensor[N, H//16, W//16, C]): the feature map, i.e. a batch with ``N`` elements. Each element contains ``C`` feature maps of dimensions ``(H//16) x (W//16)``. p4 (Tensor[N, H//32, W//32, C]): the feature map, i.e. a batch with ``N`` elements. Each element contains ``C`` feature maps of dimensions ``(H//32) x (W//32)``. rois (Tensor[roi_batch, 5]): the list of RoIs and each ROI contains the index of the corresponding element in the batch, i.e. a number in ``[0, N - 1]``, and the box coordinates in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format where the regions will be taken from. The coordinate must satisfy ``0 <= x1 < x2`` and ``0 <= y1 < y2``. Return: Tensor[num_rois * N, pooled_size, pooled_size, C]: the fixed-size feature maps, i.e., the pooled RoIs. """ def __init__( self, num_rois, pooled_size, sampling_ratio, spatial_scale, position_sensitive, continuous_coordinate, im_shape, ): super().__init__() self.op = multi_level_roi_align( num_rois, pooled_size, sampling_ratio, spatial_scale, position_sensitive, continuous_coordinate, im_shape, )
[docs] def forward(self, *args): """Performs Multi Level RoiAlign on the input.""" assert len(args) >= 2 x = args[0] rois = args[1] return self.op(x, rois)