Source code for aitemplate.testing.benchmark_ait

#  Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
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from typing import Optional

import torch

[docs]def make_input_output_pools( *, pool_size, eval_pt_func, input_filter_func, output_filter_func ): """ Make input and output pools for benchmarking. The rationale is avoiding retrieving the same input from the device cache for fair perf assessment. Parameters ---------- pool_size : int The size of the pool. eval_pt_func : callable A callable that returns a dict of inputs and outputs. input_filter_func : callable A callable that takes a key and a value and returns True if the key-value pair from the `eval_pt_func` result should be included in the input pool. output_filter_func : callable A callable that takes a key and a value and returns True if the key-value pair from the `eval_pt_func` result should be included in the output pool. Returns ------- inputs_pool : List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] A list of inputs to pass into Model.RunWithTensors. outputs_pool : List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] A list of outputs to pass into Model.RunWithTensors. """ return zip( *[ [ {k: v for k, v in d.items() if input_filter_func(k, v)}, { k: torch.empty_like(v) for k, v in d.items() if output_filter_func(k, v) }, ] for d in [eval_pt_func() for _ in range(pool_size)] ] )
[docs]def run_module_with_pools( *, ait_module, inputs_pool, outputs_pool, num_iters, stream_ptr: Optional[int] = None, sync: bool = False, graph_mode: bool = False, ): """ Run the module with the given inputs and outputs pools. Parameters ---------- ait_module : Model The AIT module to run. inputs_pool : List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] A list of inputs to pass into Model.RunWithTensors. outputs_pool : List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] A list of outputs to pass into Model.RunWithTensors. num_iters : int The number of iterations to run. stream_ptr : Optional[int] The CUDA stream pointer to run the module on; if None, use the legacy stream. sync : bool Whether to synchronize the CUDA stream after each iteration. graph_mode : bool Whether to run the module in graph mode. """ for i in range(num_iters): ait_module.run_with_tensors( inputs_pool[i % len(inputs_pool)], outputs_pool[i % len(outputs_pool)], sync=sync, stream_ptr=stream_ptr, graph_mode=graph_mode, )
[docs]def run_benchmark( *, ait_module, inputs_pool, outputs_pool, num_iters, num_warmup_iters, stream: Optional[torch.cuda.Stream] = None, sync: bool = False, graph_mode: bool = False, ): """ Run the benchmark. Parameters ---------- ait_module : Model The AIT module to run. inputs_pool : List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] A list of inputs to pass into Model.RunWithTensors. outputs_pool : List[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] A list of outputs to pass into Model.RunWithTensors. num_iters : int The number of iterations to run. num_warmup_iters : int The number of warmup iterations to run. stream : Optional[torch.cuda.Stream] The CUDA stream to run the module on; if None, use the default stream. sync : bool Whether to synchronize the CUDA stream after each iteration. graph_mode : bool Whether to run the module in graph mode. Returns ------- float The average time per iteration in *milliseconds*. """ if stream is None: stream = torch.cuda.default_stream() _common_params = { "ait_module": ait_module, "inputs_pool": inputs_pool, "outputs_pool": outputs_pool, "sync": sync, "stream_ptr": stream.cuda_stream, "graph_mode": graph_mode, } # Warmup by running for num_warmup_iters run_module_with_pools( num_iters=num_warmup_iters, **_common_params, ) # Benchmark by running for num_iters torch.cuda.synchronize() start_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) start_event.record(stream=stream) run_module_with_pools( num_iters=num_iters, **_common_params, ) end_event.record(stream=stream) torch.cuda.synchronize() return start_event.elapsed_time(end_event) / num_iters