Source code for aitemplate.utils.shape_utils

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Util functions to handle shapes.

from typing import List, Optional

import sympy

from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntVar, IntVarTensor, Tensor

def gen_int_var(
    values: List[int], name: str = None, symbolic_value: Optional[sympy.Basic] = None
    A helper function to generate IntImm or IntVar depending on the length of values.
    from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm, IntVar

    values = list(set(values))
    if len(values) == 1:
        return IntImm(values[0], name=name)
    elif len(values) > 1:
        return IntVar(values, name=name, symbolic_value=symbolic_value)
        raise RuntimeError("Unsupported dim definition: {}".format(values))

[docs]def gen_int_var_min_max( values: List[int], name: str = None, symbolic_value: Optional[sympy.Basic] = None ): """ A helper function to generate IntImm or IntVar depending on the length of values. Only keeps [min, max] pairs if there are more than 2 values. """ return gen_int_var( [min(values), max(values)], name=name, symbolic_value=symbolic_value )
def get_broadcast_max_shape(shape1, shape2): """ Checks whether two inputs shapes are broadcastable, and if yes, also returns the result broadcast shape. Two shapes are broadcastable if starting from trailing (rightmost) dimensions both dims are: 1. equal, or 2. one of them is 1 Note that two shapes are not required to have the same number of dimensions. For example, shape [5, 2, 3] and shape [3] are also broadcastable. """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm min_len = min(len(shape1), len(shape2)) if len(shape1) > len(shape2): res_shape = list(shape1) else: res_shape = list(shape2) for i in range(min_len): idx = -i - 1 dim1 = shape1[idx] dim2 = shape2[idx] if dim1 == dim2: res_shape[idx] = dim1 continue if dim1 == IntImm(1): res_shape[idx] = dim2 elif dim2 == IntImm(1): res_shape[idx] = dim1 else: return (False, None) return (True, res_shape) def get_num_rightmost_static_elements(shape, num_rightmost_dims: int = None) -> int: """ Returns number of elements in rightmost max contiguous static dimensions. If the rightmost dim is dynamic, returns 1. If num_rightmost_dims is specified, only look into num_rightmost_dims. Otherwise, look into all dims. If num_rightmost_dims == 0, returns 1. This is useful when calculating alignment. e.g. shape = [IntImm(2), IntImm(4)] returns 2 * 4 = 8. shape = [IntImm(2), IntVar(4, 8)] returns 1. shape = [IntImm(9), IntVar(4, 8), IntImm(3)] returns 3. shape = [IntImm(2), IntImm(4), IntImm(3)], num_rightmost_dims = None returns 24. shape = [IntImm(2), IntImm(4), IntImm(3)], num_rightmost_dims = 1 returns 3. shape = [IntImm(2), IntImm(4), IntImm(3)], num_rightmost_dims = 0 returns 1. """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm res = 1 for idx, dim in enumerate(reversed(shape)): if num_rightmost_dims is not None and idx >= num_rightmost_dims: break if not isinstance(dim, IntImm): break res *= dim._attrs["values"][0] return res def all_static_dimensions(shape, from_dim: int = 0): """ Return true if all dimensions starting from from_dim (inclusive) are static """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm for dim in shape[from_dim:]: if not isinstance(dim, IntImm): return False return True def is_static_dimension(shape, dim: int) -> bool: """ Return true if shape[dim] is static """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm return dim <= len(shape) and isinstance(shape[dim], IntImm)
[docs]def convert_shape_to_IntVar(shape): """ Helper function to convert a list of mixed int/IntVar/IntImm into a list with only IntVar/IntImm. """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm, IntVar, IntVarTensor ret = [] for v in shape: if isinstance(v, int): ret.append(IntImm(v)) elif isinstance(v, IntVar): ret.append(v) elif isinstance(v, IntVarTensor): ret.append(v._attrs["int_var"]) return ret
def convert_shape_to_IntVarTensor(tensor: Tensor): """ Map IntVars in the tensor's shape to their corresponding IntVarTensors, if any. """ shape = tensor._attrs["shape"] if not any(isinstance(v, IntVar) for v in shape): return shape intvar_to_tensor = {} for op in tensor.src_ops(): for t in op._attrs["inputs"]: if isinstance(t, IntVarTensor): intvar_to_tensor[t._attrs["int_var"]] = t ret = [] for v in shape: # Using type() instead of isinstance() because we don't want to include IntImms if type(v) is IntVar: ret.append(intvar_to_tensor.get(v, v)) else: ret.append(v) return ret def convert_IntVar_to_int(var) -> int: """ Try to convert an IntVar (or an IntVar wrapped in a IntVarTensor) to an int. Raises a value error if var is dynamic. """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntVarTensor if isinstance(var, int): return var var = var._attrs["int_var"] if isinstance(var, IntVarTensor) else var if var.upper_bound() == var.lower_bound(): return var.upper_bound() raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert IntVar to int: {var}") def is_singleton_dimension(dim) -> bool: """ True if this dimension is 1. IntVars will return True if their upper and lower bounds are both 1. """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntVarTensor if isinstance(dim, int): return dim == 1 dim = dim._attrs["int_var"] if isinstance(dim, IntVarTensor) else dim return dim.upper_bound() == dim.lower_bound() and dim.upper_bound() == 1 def is_same_shape(shapes1, shapes2) -> bool: if len(shapes1) != len(shapes2): return False for dim1, dim2 in zip(shapes1, shapes2): if dim1 != dim2: return False return True def get_static_stride(shape, dim) -> Optional[int]: """ This is a helper function that returns the static stride for dim. It returns None if it cannot generate a static stride. """ from aitemplate.compiler.base import IntImm stride = 1 for d in shape[dim + 1 :]: if not isinstance(d, IntImm): return None stride *= d.value() return stride