Memory Management¶
The Velox memory system is built on top of the std::mmap library to avoid the memory fragmentation issue with std::malloc. It provides the basic memory allocation functions for query execution as well as the advanced memory management functions such as fair memory sharing, transparent file cache and server out-of-memory (OOM) prevention.
Velox provides the large contiguous and noncontiguous buffer allocation functions to optimize the query memory allocation patterns. For example, a query can allocate a large contiguous memory for a hash table (HashTable::allocateTables) by using std::mmap to allocate physical memory from the OS directly. For small buffer allocations, a query can allocate a large chunk of non-contiguous memory, and then use memory arena technique like StreamArena or HashStringAllocator to provide the small allocations on top of it to reduce the number of expensive actual memory allocations.
Velox provides fair memory sharing among running queries by adjusting their memory capacities at runtime in response to their memory usage changes. This process is called memory arbitration. It ensures the total allocated memory capacity of all the queries is within the system configured query memory limit. It also prevents each individual query from running out of the user configured per-query memory limit. When a query tries to allocate more memory than its current capacity, the memory arbitration either increases the query’s capacity by reclaiming the used memory from the other queries with larger capacities, or reclaiming from the query itself if it exceeds per-query memory limit, to free up space within its current capacity. The memory reclaim is achieved through techniques like disk spilling.
Velox provides transparent file cache to accelerate table scan through the hot data reuse and prefetch. The file cache is integrated with the memory system to achieve dynamic memory sharing between file cache and query memory. When a query fails to allocate memory, we retry the allocation by shrinking the file cache. Therefore, the file cache size is automatically adjusted in response to the query memory usage change.
Velox provides server out of memory (OOM) prevention by managing the physical memory allocation on its own through the std::mmap library. This allows us to enforce explicit control on Resident Set Size (RSS) of Velox memory usage. The memory allocator in Velox handles all the memory allocations from both file cache and query memory. It ensures the total allocated memory won’t exceed the system memory limit configured for Velox to use. To further handle the spiky memory usage from the non-Velox components, Velox provides a generic server memory pushback mechanism to automatically shrink the file cache to return the unused Velox memory back to the OS when the server is detected under low memory condition.
Overall Design¶
Velox memory system consists of the following major memory components: memory manager (MemoryManager), memory allocator (MemoryAllocator), file cache (AsyncDataCache), memory arbitrator (MemoryArbitrator) and a number of memory pools (MemoryPool). The memory manager creates all the other components. It creates the memory allocator and memory arbitrator when initializing the memory system, and creates the memory pool on-demand for query execution.

When a query starts execution, it first creates a root memory pool (query pool) from the memory manager, and then creates a tree of child memory pools from the root according to the query plan: a child memory pool for each query task (task pool), a grandchild memory pool for each plan node (node pool) and a great-grandchild memory pool for each operator instance (operator pool). During the query execution, it allocates memory from the leaf operator pools and propagates the memory usage up to the root query pool. If the aggregated memory usage at the root exceeds the current query memory capacity, the query pool sends a request to the memory arbitrator to grow its capacity. The memory arbitrator either grows the requestor query pool’s capacity by reclaiming the used memory from the other queries which has the largest capacity in the system, or reclaiming from the request query pool itself to free up space within its current capacity if it exceeds the per-query memory limit or it has the largest capacity in the system. The used memory reclaim is achieved through techniques like disk spilling. If the memory arbitration succeeds, the leaf operator pool can proceed with the actual memory allocation from memory allocator. However, if the memory arbitration fails, then the query which has the largest capacity in the system is chosen to fail with query memory capacity exceeded error (local OOM). The failed query may or may not be the requestor query pool itself.
The memory allocator does the actual memory allocation from its own managed memory space in units of machine pages (4KB). It tracks the amount of allocated memory, and returns an error if an allocation request exceeds the system memory limit. This enables explicit control on RSS of Velox memory usage to help prevent the server OOM.
The file cache provides the in-memory hot data cache and prefetch functions when the user query accesses the remote storage. It allocates memory from the memory allocator directly which is not counted in query memory usage. To prevent the memory allocation failure because of excessive file cache memory usage, the file cache retries the allocation failure by shrinking the file cache. This achieves dynamic memory sharing between file cache and query memory in response to the user query workload changes.

To summarize, the memory manager manages the memory pools and coordinates the accesses between different memory components. The memory pool tracks a query’s memory usage and interacts with the memory arbitrator to adjust the memory capacity allocations among running queries to achieve fair memory sharing. The memory allocator manages the physical memory allocations to prevent server OOM, and interacts with file cache to achieve dynamic memory sharing between query memory and file cache to maximize the memory efficiency. The rest of the document describes each memory component in detail.
Memory Manager¶

The memory manager is created on server startup with the provided MemoryManagerOption. It creates a memory allocator instance to manage the physical memory allocations for both query memory allocated through memory pool and cache memory allocated through the file cache. It ensures the total allocated memory is within the system memory limit (specified by MemoryManagerOptions::allocatorCapacity). The memory manager also creates a memory arbitrator instance to arbitrate the memory capacity among running queries. It ensures the total allocated query memory capacity is within the query memory limit (specified by MemoryManagerOptions::arbitratorCapacity). The memory arbitrator also prevents each individual query running out of its per-query memory limit (specified by QueryConfig::query_max_memory_per_node) by reclaiming overused memory through disk spilling (refer to memory arbitrator section for details).
After setting up the Velox memory system, the memory manager manages the memory pools for query execution. When a query starts, it creates a root query pool from the memory manager, and then creates a tree of child pools from the query pool according to the query plan (see memory pool section for detail) for memory allocations and usage tracking.
The memory manager keeps track of all the live query pools for the memory arbitration process. When a query pool sends a request to the memory manager to grow its capacity (MemoryManager::growPool), the memory manager forwards the request to the memory arbitrator with the list of alive query pools as the arbitration candidates. The memory arbitrator reclaims the used memory from the candidates with the largest capacity first, and increases the requestor pool’s capacity with the freed memory space accordingly. If the requestor pool already has the largest capacity among all the candidates, then the memory arbitrator reclaims memory from the requestor itself to free up space within its current capacity. See memory arbitration process section for detailed description of the memory arbitration process.
The memory manager doesn’t have ownership of user created query pools but only tracks their liveness through MemoryManager::dropPool method which is invoked by the query pool’s destructor to remove itself from the tracked list (MemoryManager::pools_). The QueryCtx object owns the query pool which stays alive until the query finishes.
The memory manager creates and owns a system root pool for Velox internal operations such as disk spilling. The difference between system root pool and user created query root pool is that there is no per-query memory limit for the system root pool so it doesn’t participate in the memory arbitration. The reason is that the system operations are not executed on behalf of a particular user query. Take disk spilling for example, it is triggered by memory arbitration to free up used memory from the queries. We don’t expect significant memory usage during a system operation, and eventually the memory allocator guarantees the actual allocated memory are within the system memory limit no matter if it is for system operation or for user query execution. In practice, we shall reserve some space from the memory allocator to compensate for such system memory usage. We can do that by configuring the query memory limit (MemoryManagerOptions::arbitratorCapacity) to be smaller than the system memory limit (MemoryManagerOptions::allocatorCapacity) (refer to OOM prevention section for detail).
Memory System Setup¶
Here is the code block from Prestissimo that initializes the Velox memory system:
1 void PrestoServer::initializeVeloxMemory() {
2 auto* systemConfig = SystemConfig::instance();
3 const uint64_t memoryGb = systemConfig->systemMemoryGb();
4 MemoryManagerOptions options;
5 options.allocatorCapacity = memoryGb << 30;
6 options.useMmapAllocator = systemConfig->useMmapAllocator();
7 if (!systemConfig->memoryArbitratorKind().empty()) {
8 options.arbitratorKind = systemConfig->memoryArbitratorKind();
9 const uint64_t queryMemoryGb = systemConfig->queryMemoryGb();
10 options.queryMemoryCapacity = queryMemoryGb << 30;
11 ...
12 }
13 memory::initializeMemoryManager(options);
15 if (systemConfig->asyncDataCacheEnabled()) {
16 ...
17 cache_ = std::make_shared<cache::AsyncDataCache>(
18 memoryManager()->allocator(), memoryBytes, std::move(ssd));
19 }
20 ...
21 }
L5: set the memory allocator capacity (system memory limit) from the Prestissimo system config
L6: set the memory allocator type from the Prestissimo system config. If useMmapAllocator is true, we use MmapAllocator, otherwise use MallocAllocator. Memory Allocator section describes these two types of allocators
L8: set the memory arbitrator kind from the Prestissimo system config. Currently, we only support the “SHARED” arbitrator kind (see memory arbitrator section). “NOOP” arbitrator kind will be deprecated soon (#8220)
L10: set the memory arbitrator capacity (query memory limit) from the Prestissimo system config
L13: creates the process-wide memory manager which creates memory allocator and arbitrator inside based on MemoryManagerOptions initialized from previous steps
L15-19: creates the file cache if it is enabled in Prestissimo system config
Memory Pool¶
The memory pool provides memory allocation functions for query execution. It also tracks a query’s memory usage for per-query memory limit enforcement. As shown in the Query Memory Pool Hierarchy figure, a query creates a tree of memory pools that mirrors the query plan to have a fine-grained tracking of memory usage for figuring out which task(s) or operator(s) use most of the memory. At the root of the tree, QueryCtx creates a root query pool from the memory manager. Each query task creates a child task pool from the query pool. A query task executes a fragment of the query plan (e.g. an execution stage in a distributed query execution plan in Prestissimo). Each plan node in a task’s plan fragment creates a child node pool from the task pool (Task::getOrAddNodePool). Each plan node belongs to one or more task execution pipelines. Each pipeline might have multiple driver instances running in parallel. Each driver instance consists of a pipeline of query operators, and an operator is an instantiation of a query plan node in a driver. Hence each operator creates a child operator pool from the node pool (Task::addOperatorPool).

Query allocates memory from the operator pool at the leaf of the tree and propagates the memory usage all the way up to the query pool at the root of the tree to check if the memory usage has exceeded the per-query memory limit or not. The memory allocation always happens at the leaf operator pool, the intermediate pools only aggregate the memory usage (node pool and task pool), and it is the root query pool that enforces the per-query memory limit. Given that, we introduce two memory pool types (defined by MemoryPool::Kind) to simplify the memory pool management: one is LEAF type which only allows the memory allocations and the other is AGGREGATE type which aggregates the memory usage from all its children but is not allowed to allocate memory directly. Hence, the operator pool is LEAF type and all the others are AGGREGATE type. We only enforce the memory limit check at the root query pool.
Memory Usage Tracking¶
To track query memory usage, a leaf operator pool needs to propagate the memory usage all the way up to the root query pool and check the memory limit for every allocation, but this would be slow. Hence, memory pool uses a memory reservation mechanism to track the query memory usage. A memory reservation is made in 1MB or larger chunks to avoid excessive locking, propagating and checking memory usage for every single allocation (see MemoryPool::quantizedSize description below). A leaf operator pool maintains two counters for memory reservation: one is the actual used memory (MemoryPoolImpl::usedReservationBytes_) and the other is the memory reserved from the root query pool (MemoryPoolImpl::reservationBytes_). The difference between the two counters is the available memory for a leaf operator pool to use.
The intermediate pools only use reservationBytes_ to count the aggregated memory reservations held by all its child pools. The root query pool has two additional counters for memory limit check: one is its current memory capacity (MemoryPoolImpl::capacity_) which is the amount of memory available for the query to use. The memory arbitrator sets this based on how many queries are running, the total query memory limit and how much memory each query needs. The other is max capacity (MemoryPool::maxCapacity_) which is the max capacity that a query can grow up to. It is set by the user and is fixed during a query’s lifetime (QueryConfig::kQueryMaxMemoryPerNode). The memory arbitrator can’t set a query’s capacity_ beyond its maxCapacity_ limit.
When the root query pool receives a new memory reservation request, it increases reservationBytes_ and checks if it is within its current capacity_ limit. If it does, the root query pool accepts the request. If not, the root query pool asks the memory arbitrator (via memory manager) to grow its capacity through the memory arbitration (see memory arbitrator section for details). If the memory arbitration fails, the root query pool fails the request with a query memory capacity exceeded error (local OOM error).
MemoryPool::reserve and MemoryPool::release are the two methods used by the memory pool for memory reservation. The memory reservation is thread-safe and MemoryPool::reserveThreadSafe is the main function that implements the memory reservation logic:
The leaf memory pool calls MemoryPool::reservationSizeLocked to calculate the new required reservation (incrementBytes). It is based on the memory allocation size, and available memory reservation (reservationBytes_ - usedReservationBytes_).
If incrementBytes is zero, the leaf memory pool has sufficient available reservation so it doesn’t need new reservation and just update usedReservationBytes_ to reflect the new memory usage.
If incrementBytes is not zero, the leaf memory pool needs to call MemoryPool::incrementReservationThreadSafe (see below) to propagate the increment all the way up to the root memory pool to check if the new reservation request exceeds the query’s current capacity or not. If not, accept the reservation by incrementing reservationBytes_ accordingly.
Note that if MemoryPool::incrementReservationThreadSafe fails, it throws an exception to fail the memory allocation request with a local OOM error.
The leaf memory pool goes back to step-1 to check if there is sufficient available reservation for the allocation request after the reservation succeeds.
Note that the concurrent allocation requests to the same leaf memory pool might steal away the reservation made in step-3 so we have to check again. We don’t hold the leaf memory pool’s lock while making a reservation from the root memory pool, which could be a blocking operation if memory arbitration is involved. Therefore, there could be a race condition if there are two concurrent memory reservation requests from the same leaf memory pool. But we don’t expect it to happen very often in practice.
As mentioned above, to avoid frequent concurrent memory reservations to the root memory pool to reduce the cpu cost, the leaf memory pool does quantized memory reservation. It rounds up the actual reservation bytes to the next large quantized reservation value (MemoryPool::quantizedSize):
round up to next MB if size < 16MB
round up to next 4MB if size < 64MB
round up to next 8MB if size >= 64MB
With the quantized reservation, we never reserve less than 1 MB of memory. Even if we only need 1KB, we’ll have to reserve 1MB and if there is not enough memory available the query will fail. It also means that if we run at concurrency of 15, each driver thread will reserve at least 1MB and therefore the query would require at least 15 MB of memory even if it uses just a few KB.
The implementation of MemoryPool::incrementReservationThreadSafe:
A non-root memory pool calls its parent pool’s incrementReservationThreadSafe method recursively to propagate the reservation request all the way up to the root memory pool
Check MemoryPool::incrementReservationThreadSafe result from the parent pool:
If the function returns true, the reservation succeeds from the root memory pool and proceeds to accept the reservation (Step-3)
If the function returns false, then reservation succeeds but has conflicts with other concurrent reservation requests detected at the root memory pool. We need to retry from the leaf memory pool again by returning false to MemoryPoolImpl::reserveThreadSafe
If the memory reservation fails at the root memory pool, the function expects a query memory capacity exceeded exception thrown and the memory allocation fails
Call MemoryPool::maybeIncrementReservation to try to increment the reservation and check the result:
For a non-root memory pool, this should always succeed as we only check capacity at the root memory pool
For a root memory pool, the function might return false if the reservation request exceeds its current capacity and goes to step-4 to request memory arbitration
The root memory pool calls MemoryManager::growPool to grow its capacity. This triggers the memory arbitration process inside the memory arbitrator
If MemoryManager::growPool returns true, then we succeed in growing memory capacity (or reducing the memory usage within its current capacity). The function calls MemoryPool::maybeIncrementReservation again to check if the memory reservation can be satisfied or not. If not, then there should be a concurrent memory reservation request that takes away the grown memory capacity. Returns false to retry from the leaf memory pool again in this case (step2-b). Otherwise, returns true (step2-a).
If MemoryManager::growPool returns false, then we fail to grow capacity from the memory arbitrator and throws an query memory capacity exceeded error (step2-c)
Memory Pool APIs¶
Memory pool has three sets of APIs for memory pool management, memory allocation and memory arbitration. The following is a list of the major APIs to use in each of the three sets.
Memory Pool Management¶
/// Creates a root memory pool with specified 'name' and 'maxCapacity'.
/// 'reclaimer' is provided for memory arbitration process.
std::shared_ptr<MemoryPool> MemoryManager::addRootPool(
const std::string& name = "",
int64_t maxCapacity = kMaxMemory,
std::unique_ptr<MemoryReclaimer> reclaimer = nullptr);
/// Create an aggregate child memory pool which allows to create child memory
/// pools from it, and it used to aggregate memory usage from its child pools.
/// Aggregate memory pool is not allowed to allocate memory directly.
virtual std::shared_ptr<MemoryPool> MemoryPool::addAggregateChild(
const std::string& name);
/// Create a leaf child memory pool which allows to allocate memory but are not
/// allowed to create child pools.
virtual std::shared_ptr<MemoryPool> MemoryPool::addLeafChild(
const std::string& name);
/// Creates new instance of MemoryPool for an operator, stores it in the task
/// to ensure lifetime and returns a raw pointer.
velox::memory::MemoryPool* Task::addOperatorPool(
const core::PlanNodeId& planNodeId,
int pipelineId,
uint32_t driverId,
const std::string& operatorType);
/// Creates new instance of MemoryPool for a plan node, stores it in the task
/// to ensure lifetime and returns a raw pointer.
memory::MemoryPool* Task::getOrAddNodePool(
const core::PlanNodeId& planNodeId);
Memory Allocation¶
The memory pool provides three types of memory allocations. If a user needs a large chunk of buffer allocation and the allocated buffer doesn’t need to be contiguous, then it can use MemoryPool::allocateNonContiguous to allocate a number of variable sized buffers (see non-contiguous allocation section for details). Velox uses this allocation for RowContainer, StreamArena/HashStringAllocator and AsyncDataCache etc. If a user needs a large contiguous buffer allocation with size > 1MB, then it can use MemoryPool::allocateContiguous to allocate a large chunk of physical memory from the OS directly through std::mmap (see contiguous allocation section for details). Velox uses this allocation for HashTable. For any other ad hoc allocations, we can use MemoryPool::allocate. The memory allocator determines how to allocate memory based on the actual allocation size (see small allocation section for details).
/// Allocates a buffer with specified 'size'. If the memory allocation is
/// smaller than a predefined threshold, then we delegate the allocation to
/// std::malloc (MmapAllocator::Options::maxMallocBytes).
virtual void* MemoryPool::allocate(int64_t size) = 0;
/// Frees an allocated buffer.
virtual void MemoryPool::free(void* p, int64_t size) = 0;
/// Allocates one or more runs that add up to at least 'numPages', with the
/// smallest run being at least 'minSizeClass' pages. 'minSizeClass' must
/// be <= the size of the largest size class (see non-contiguous allocation
/// section for size class definition). The new memory is returned in 'out' on
/// success and any memory formerly referenced by 'out' is freed. The function
/// throws if allocation fails and 'out' references no memory and any partially
/// allocated memory is freed.
virtual void MemoryPool::allocateNonContiguous(
MachinePageCount numPages,
Allocation& out,
MachinePageCount minSizeClass = 0) = 0;
/// Frees non-contiguous 'allocation'. 'allocation' is empty on return.
virtual void MemoryPool::freeNonContiguous(Allocation& allocation) = 0;
/// Makes a large contiguous mmap of 'numPages'. The new mapped pages are
/// returned in 'out' on success. Any formly mapped pages referenced by 'out'
/// is unmapped in all the cases even if the allocation fails.
virtual void MemoryPool::allocateContiguous(
MachinePageCount numPages,
ContiguousAllocation& out) = 0;
/// Frees contiguous 'allocation'. 'allocation' is empty on return.
virtual void MemoryPool::freeContiguous(ContiguousAllocation& allocation) = 0;
Memory Arbitration¶
The memory arbitrator section below discusses how these memory arbitration related methods are used in the memory arbitration and reclaim process.
/// Returns the number of bytes that haven't been reserved for use, and can be
/// freed by reducing this memory pool's limit.
virtual uint64_t MemoryPool::freeBytes() const = 0;
/// Invoked to bump up the memory pool's capacity by 'bytes'. The function
/// returns the memory pool's new capacity after the grow.
virtual uint64_t MemoryPool::grow(uint64_t bytes) = 0;
/// Invoked to free up to the specified amount of unused memory reservations by
/// reducing this memory pool's capacity without actually freeing up any
/// used memory. The function returns the actually freed memory bytes. If
/// 'targetBytes' is zero, the function frees all the unused memory reservation
/// bytes.
virtual uint64_t MemoryPool::shrink(uint64_t targetBytes = 0) = 0;
/// Invoked by the memory arbitrator to enter memory arbitration processing. It
/// is a noop if 'reclaimer_' is not set, otherwise invoke the reclaimer's
/// corresponding method.
virtual void MemoryPool::enterArbitration();
/// Invoked by the memory arbitrator to leave memory arbitration processing. It
/// is a noop if 'reclaimer_' is not set, otherwise invoke the reclaimer's
/// corresponding method.
virtual void MemoryPool::leaveArbitration();
/// Function estimates the number of reclaimable bytes and returns in
/// 'reclaimableBytes'. If the 'reclaimer' is not set, the function returns
/// std::nullopt. Otherwise, it will invoke the corresponding method of the
/// reclaimer.
virtual std::optional<uint64_t> reclaimableBytes() const = 0;
/// Invoked by the memory arbitrator to reclaim memory from this memory pool
/// with specified reclaim target bytes. If 'targetBytes' is zero, then it
/// tries to reclaim all the reclaimable memory from the memory pool. It is
/// noop if the reclaimer is not set, otherwise invoke the reclaimer's
/// corresponding method.
virtual uint64_t MemoryPool::reclaim(uint64_t targetBytes);
Memory Arbitrator¶
The memory arbitrator is used to arbitrate the memory capacity across running queries to achieve fair memory sharing and prevent a query from running out of its memory limit. To arbitrate memory capacity between running queries, the memory arbitrator needs to be able to reclaim the used memory from a query through techniques such as disk spilling, and then transfer the freed memory between queries by adjusting their memory pool’s capacities accordingly (see memory arbitration process section for detail).
The MemoryArbitrator is defined to support different implementations for different query systems. As for now, we implement SharedArbitrator for both Prestissimo and Prestissimo-on-Spark. Gulten implements its own memory arbitrator to integrate with the Spark memory system. SharedArbitrator ensures the total allocated memory capacity is within the query memory limit (MemoryManagerOptions::arbitratorCapacity), and also ensures each individual query’s capacity is within the per-query memory limit (MemoryPool::maxCapacity_). When a query needs to grow its capacity, SharedArbitrator either reclaims the used memory from the query itself if it has exceeded its max memory capacity, or increases its capacity by reclaiming used memory from the other queries with the largest memory capacity in the system.
Memory Arbitration Process¶

The end-to-end memory arbitration process in SharedArbitrator works as follows:
The query operator A allocates memory from its leaf operator pool (operator pool A)
The operator pool A sends the memory reservation request to the root query pool (query pool A)
The query pool A is the root memory pool and it checks if the memory reservation request is within the current capacity or not (MemoryPoolImpl::capacity_). Let’s assume the request has exceeded the current capacity to trigger memory arbitration
The query pool A sends a request to the memory manager to grow its capacity for the new reservation (MemoryManager::growPool)
The memory manager forwards the request to the memory arbitrator (MemoryArbitrator::growCapacity) with the requestor memory pool plus the list of the root query pools as the memory arbitration candidates. The memory manager keeps the candidate query pools alive during the memory arbitration process
The memory arbitrator serializes the memory arbitration processing with one request at a time to ensure a consistent view of memory capacity allocated among queries. The memory arbitrator might receive concurrent arbitration requests from different queries or even from different driver threads of the same query. For each memory arbitration request:
The memory arbitrator invokes MemoryPool::enterArbitration method of the requestor memory pool before starting memory arbitration. The request memory pool here is the operator pool A which initiates the memory reservation request. It calls MemoryReclaimer::enterArbitration method of the associated operator reclaimer (Operator::MemoryReclaimer). The operator reclaimer puts the driver thread into the suspension state (Task::enterSuspended). To reclaim memory from a query task, we need to first pause the task to stop all its driver threads to avoid any concurrent updates to its operator states during the memory reclamation. If the query task of the request memory pool is chosen to reclaim memory, then we have to put its driver thread into suspension state, otherwise the query task will never be paused as the request driver thread is under the memory arbitration process. Note a suspended driver thread is not counted as running in task pause processing.
The memory arbitrator calls SharedArbitrator::ensureCapacity to check if the requestor query pool exceeds its max memory capacity limit with the new reservation or not (MemoryPool::maxCapacity_). If not, proceed to step-6-c. Otherwise, the memory arbitrator tries to reclaim used memory from the requestor pool itself. If memory reclamation has freed up sufficient memory from the requestor pool for the new reservation within its current capacity, then memory arbitration succeeds. If the requestor pool still exceeds the max memory capacity limit, then memory arbitration fails. Otherwise proceed to step-6-c.
The memory arbitrator runs the fast path (SharedArbitrator::reclaimFreeMemoryFromCandidates) to reclaim the unused memory reservations from the candidate query pools without actually freeing the used memory. It first tries to reclaim from itself and then from the candidate pools which have the most free capacity (MemoryPool::freeBytes) until it reaches the memory reclaim target.
If the memory arbitrator hasn’t reclaimed enough free memory on fast path, it runs the slow path (SharedArbitrator::reclaimUsedMemoryFromCandidates) to reclaim the used memory from the candidate pools with the most reclaimable memory (see memory reclaim process section for the detailed memory reclaim process within a query).
If the memory arbitrator has reclaimed enough memory, it grants the reclaimed memory to the requestor pool by increasing its memory capacity (MemoryPool::grow). If not, the memory arbitrator has to call SharedArbitrator::handleOOM to send the memory pool abort (MemoryPool::abort) request to the candidate memory pool with the largest capacity as victim to free up memory to let the other running queries with enough memory proceed. The memory pool abort fails the query execution and waits for its completion to release all the held memory resources.
If the victim query pool is the requestor pool itself, then memory arbitration fails. Otherwise, go back to step-6-c to retry the memory arbitration one more time before giving up.
The memory arbitrator invokes MemoryPool::leaveArbitration method of the requestor memory pool at the end of memory arbitration. The operator reclaimer moves its driver thread out of suspension state (Task::leaveSuspended).
Memory Reclaim Process¶
Here is the memory reclaim process within a query:
The memory arbitrator invokes MemoryPool::reclaim method of a candidate query pool with a reclaim target in bytes, which calls the corresponding method of the associated memory reclaimer object (MemoryReclaimer::reclaim). The query pool uses the default implementation which sorts its child task pools based on the reclaimable bytes (MemoryPool::reclaimableBytes), and reclaim from the task with the most reclaimable bytes until reaches the reclaim target
The query pool invokes the reclaim method of the task pool which in turn calls into the associated task reclaimer (Task::MemoryReclaimer). The latter first pauses the task execution (Task::requestPause), and then sorts its child node pools based on the reclaimable bytes and reclaims memory from the node pools with the most reclaimable bytes. After reaching the reclaim target or having reclaimed from all the node pools, task reclaimer resumes the task execution (Task::resume)
The task pool invokes the reclaim method of the node pool which reclaim memory from its child operator pool with the most reclaimable bytes
The node pool eventually calls the operator pool to do the actual memory reclamation (Operator::MemoryReclaimer). Currently we support memory reclamation through disk spilling and table writer flush. Operator::reclaim is added to support memory reclamation with the default implementation does nothing. Only spillable operators override that method: OrderBy, HashBuild, HashAggregation, RowNumber, TopNRowNumber, Window and TableWriter. As for now, we simply spill everything from the spillable operator’s row container to free up memory. After we add memory compaction support for row containers, we could leverage fine-grained disk spilling features in Velox to only spill and free the required amounts of memory.
Note memory arbitrator can’t reclaim from a spillable operator if it has triggered memory arbitration in the middle of data processing even after it has stopped its query task execution. To prevent this, we added Operator::nonReclaimableSection_ to indicate if an operator is under a non-reclaimable section or not, and the memory arbitrator can’t reclaim memory from an operator which is under a non-reclaimable section. The driver execution framework sets a running operator in the non-reclaimable section by default. The spillable operator chooses to clear the non-reclaimable section at specific call sites such as the memory reservation (MemoryPool::maybeReserve) before the actual data processing to allow the memory arbitrator to reclaim memory.
Memory Allocator¶
The memory allocator manages the physical memory allocations for both query memory allocated through memory pool and cache memory allocated directly from file cache. The memory allocator ensures the total allocated memory is always within the system memory limit. MemoryAllocator defines the memory allocator interface. We have two allocator implementations: MallocAllocator delegates all the memory allocations to std::malloc which is simple and reliable. We provide it as the default option but we believe it has the issue with RSS variation caused by memory fragmentation. Therefore we built MMapAllocator to manage the physical memory allocations using the std::mmap to have explicit control on RSS. We haven’t yet confirmed whether MmapAllocator works better than MallocAllocator, but we are able to run a sizable Prestissimo workload using it. We will compare that workload using two allocators to determine which one is better in the future. Users can choose the allocator for their application by setting MemoryManagerOptions::useMmapAllocator (see memory system setup section for example).
Non-Contiguous Allocation¶

A non-contiguous allocation is defined as an Allocation object which consists of a number of PageRun(s). Each page run contains a contiguous buffer and the buffers from different page runs don’t have to be contiguous. MMapAllocator defines MmapAllocator::SizeClass data structure (similar to the one used in Umbra) to manage the non-contiguous allocation. A SizeClass object provides allocation of a fixed size buffer (class page) which is a power of 2 of a machine page size. MMapAllocator creates 9 different SizeClass objects with class page size ranging from 1 machine page (4KB) to 256 machine pages (1MB). To allocate a large number of machines pages, MmapAllocator calls MemoryAllocator::allocationSize to build the allocation plan (MemoryAllocator::SizeMix) which consists of a list of chosen SizeClass objects and the number of class pages to allocate from each of them.
MemoryAllocator::allocationSize generates the allocation plan by searching from the largest fit SizeClass to the min SizeClass as specified by the user. If min SizeClass is not 1, there could be waste of memory in the last allocated class page. As the example in the diagram, for an allocation request of 150 pages and min SizeClass of 4, we choose to allocate 2 class pages from SizeClass/64, 1 from SizeClass/16 and 2 from SizeClass/4. The total number of allocated machine pages is 152. There are two machine pages wasted in the last allocated class page from SizeClass/4. The memory allocator allocates memory from each of the chosen SizeClass objects based on the allocation plan. The allocation result is returned in an Allocation object which consists of 4 page runs: two runs from SizeClass/64 (the two allocated class pages are not contiguous in memory), one from SizeClass/16 and one from SizeClass/4 (the two allocated class pages are contiguous in memory).
Each SizeClass object sets up its own memory space using std::mmap with the same size of the system memory limit. The setup memory space doesn’t cause any memory allocation from the OS (or have backing memory) until the user writes into the allocated memory space. The SizeClass object divides its own memory space into a number of class pages, and uses SizeClass::pageAllocated_ bitmap to track if a class page is allocated or not. It uses the other bitmap SizeClass::pageMapped_ to track if a class page has backing memory or not (mapped class page). To ensure RSS of Velox memory usage is within the system memory limit, we assume an allocated class page always has backing memory, and a freed class page also has backing memory until we call std::madvise to free it back to the OS. To free a class page, we just clear the allocation bit in pageAllocated_ bitmap but we don’t call std::madvise to free the backing memory immediately as std::madvise is an expensive OS call. We also expect a freed class page is very likely to be reused again. Given that, we only remove backing memory of a freed class page for new allocation if the total number of mapped class pages reaches the system memory limit. numMappedFreePages_ is used to track the number of freed class pages that still have backing memory in each SizeClass object. SizeClass::adviseAway implements the lazy backing memory free control logic.
We apply two optimizations to accelerate the free class page lookup. One is to use an aggregated bitmap (mappedFreeLookup_) to track the free class pages in a group. Each bit in mappedFreeLookup_ corresponds to 512 bits (8 words) in pageAllocated_. If a bit is set in mappedFreeLookup_, then at least one of 512 bits in pageAllocated_ is not set. The other is to use simd instruction to operate on the bitmap to further accelerate the cpu execution.
The simplified MmapAllocator::allocateNonContiguous implementation:
bool MmapAllocator::allocateNonContiguous(
MachinePageCount numPages,
Allocation& out,
ReservationCallback reservationCB,
MachinePageCount minSizeClass) override;
calls MemoryAllocator::allocationSize with numPages and minSizeClass. numPages specifies the number of machine pages to allocate. minSizeClass specifies the minimum class page size to allocate from. The function returns the number of class pages to allocate from each chosen SizeClass in MemoryAllocator::SizeMix. The sum of machine pages to allocate from all SizeClass objects should be no less than the requested numPages.
increase the memory allocator’s memory usage and check if it exceeds the system memory limit (MemoryAllocator::capacity_). If it exceeds, then fails the allocation and reverts the memory usage update. Otherwise, proceeds to make reservation in memory pool in step-3.
MMapAllocator uses MallocAllocator::numAllocated_ to count the allocated memory in units of machines pages
MMapAllocator allocations are wrapped by AsyncDataCache::makeSpace which retries the allocation failure by shrinking the file cache for a number of times before giving up. Each retry takes a backoff delay and make it harder to evict from cache
AsyncDataCache::makeSpace not only retries the allocation from the memory pool but also from the file cache itself. In the latter case, the old cache entries will be evicted out to make space for new cache data
invokes reservationCB to increase the memory pool’s reservation to check if the new allocation exceeds the query memory limit or not. If it exceeds, we revert the memory usage update made in step-2 and re-throws the query memory capacity exceeded exception caught from reservationCB. The reservationCB is null if the allocation is from file cache.
allocates class pages from each of chosen SizeClass objects. If any one of the SizeClass allocation fails, then the entire allocation fails. We free the succeeded SizeClass allocations, and revert the memory pool reservation (step-3) and memory usage (step-2) updates.
The class page allocations return the number of machine pages needed to set up backing memory. This refers to the allocated class pages which don’t have the backing memory and the corresponding bits in SizeClass::pageMapped_ are not set. We call MmapAllocator::ensureEnoughMappedPages to ensure the total number of mapped class pages that have backing memory with this new allocation doesn’t exceed the system memory limit. If it exceeds, we call MmapAllocator::adviseAway to remove the backing memory of the freed class pages. If MmapAllocator::adviseAway call fails, then we fail the allocation and revert all the changes made in previous steps for this allocation.
calls MmapAllocator::markAllMapped to set all the allocated class pages as mapped in SizeClass::pageMapped_ and the allocation succeeds.
Contiguous Allocation¶
virtual bool MemoryAllocator::allocateContiguous(
MachinePageCount numPages,
Allocation* collateral,
ContiguousAllocation& allocation,
ReservationCallback reservationCB = nullptr) = 0;
Contiguous allocation is defined as a ContiguousAllocation object which contains a large contiguous buffer. It is used for very large contiguous buffer allocation (>1MB) like allocating a hash table. Its implementation is very simple. It calls std::mmap to allocate a contiguous chunk of physical memory from the OS directly. Similar to non-contiguous allocation, it needs to call MmapAllocator::ensureEnoughMappedPages to ensure the size of the mapped memory space is within the system memory limit. To free a contiguous allocation, the memory allocator calls std::munmap to return the physical memory back to the OS right away.
Small Allocation¶
void* MmapAllocator::allocateBytes(
uint64_t bytes,
uint16_t alignment = kMinAlignment) override;
MmapAllocator::allocateBytes allocate memory in three different ways based on the actual allocation size (bytes). If the allocation size is smaller than a configured threshold (MmapAllocator::Options::maxMallocBytes), MmapAllocator delegates the allocation to std::malloc. If the allocation size is within class page size range (<= 1MB), it allocates the buffer as a class page from one of SizeClass objects. Otherwise, it allocates the buffer as a large contiguous allocation.
We don’t expect many small memory allocations from the query systems using MmapAllocator. In Prestissimo, only very few small memory allocations are delegated to std::malloc. The large in-memory state such as RowContainer and HashTable allocate either contiguous or non-contiguous allocations. As for now, we don’t cap the memory allocations delegated to std::malloc in the MmapAllocator. We provide an option (MmapAllocator::Options::smallAllocationReservePct) for the query system to reserve a small amount of memory capacity in MmapAllocator to compensate for these ad-hoc small allocations in practice.
Server OOM Prevention¶
The memory allocator ensures all the memory usage from Velox doesn’t exceed system memory limit. This is critical to prevent the server from running out of memory as we expect Velox to use a significant portion of the server memory in operation. For instance, Prestissimo in Meta configures 80% of server memory for Velox and the rest 20% for the non-Velox components such as program binary, http streaming shuffle and remote storage client etc.
However, the memory capacity enforcement in Velox itself is not sufficient to prevent the server from running out of memory in face of spiky memory usage from non-Velox components. For instance, we found in Prestissimo that the http streaming shuffle in a large Prestissimo setup (>400 workers) can cause very high spiky memory usage that easily leads to Prestissimo worker OOMs. In a large cluster, each worker (PrestoExchangeSource) might receive the streaming data from a large number of sources at the same time. The memory profiles collected at times close to OOM show that >50% of non-Velox memory are allocated from http proxygen. To prevent server OOM caused by http streaming shuffle, we added throttle control in Prestissimo streaming shuffle to limit the number of sources to read at a time to cap the streaming shuffle memory usage.
In addition to building the throttle mechanism specific to each non-Velox component, we also provide a generic server memory pushback mechanism in Meta Prestissimo to collaborate with Velox to handle the spiky memory usage from non-Velox components. A PeriodicMemoryChecker is running in the background to check the system memory usage periodically. Whenever the system memory usage exceeds a certain threshold, it tries to free up memory from Velox by shrinking the file cache (AsyncDataCache::shrink), and returns the freed cache memory back to the OS. This way we can automatically shrink the file cache in response to the transient spiky memory usage from non-Velox components in a query system.