Function CoverageΒΆ
Here is a list of all scalar and aggregate Presto functions with functions that are available in Velox highlighted.
Scalar Functions |
Aggregate Functions |
Window Functions |
st_overlaps |
st_point |
st_pointn |
st_points |
is_subnet_of |
regexp_split |
st_polygon |
jaccard_index |
regress |
st_relate |
reidentification_potential |
st_startpoint |
array_cum_sum |
json_array_get |
st_symdifference |
render |
st_touches |
st_union |
st_within |
replace_first |
st_x |
st_xmax |
rgb |
st_xmin |
key_sampling_percent |
st_y |
array_least_frequent |
enum_key |
st_ymax |
st_ymin |
array_max_by |
expand_envelope |
scale_qdigest |
convex_hull_agg |
array_min_by |
features |
secure_rand |
line_interpolate_point |
secure_random |
line_locate_point |
localtime |
tdigest_agg |
differential_entropy |
localtimestamp |
flatten_geometry_collections |
evaluate_classifier_predictions |
array_top_n |
fnv1_32 |
simplify_geometry |
to_base32 |
fnv1_64 |
geometry_union_agg |
fnv1a_32 |
fnv1a_64 |
spatial_partitions |
khyperloglog_agg |
bar |
to_geometry |
learn_classifier |
from_base32 |
learn_libsvm_classifier |
bing_tile |
split_to_multimap |
learn_libsvm_regressor |
bing_tile_at |
learn_regressor |
bing_tile_children |
map_keys_by_top_n_values |
to_iso8601 |
make_set_digest |
bing_tile_coordinates |
to_milliseconds |
bing_tile_parent |
map_remove_null_values |
st_area |
to_spherical_geography |
bing_tile_polygon |
st_asbinary |
bing_tile_quadkey |
st_astext |
bing_tile_zoom_level |
map_top_n_keys |
st_boundary |
trail |
bing_tiles_around |
from_iso8601_timestamp |
map_top_n_values |
st_buffer |
st_centroid |
merge_set_digest |
st_contains |
st_convexhull |
geometry_as_geojson |
merge_hll |
st_coorddim |
geometry_from_geojson |
merge_khll |
st_crosses |
noisy_avg_gaussian |
geometry_invalid_reason |
st_difference |
noisy_count_gaussian |
geometry_nearest_points |
st_dimension |
uniqueness_distribution |
noisy_count_if_gaussian |
geometry_to_bing_tiles |
st_disjoint |
noisy_sum_gaussian |
geometry_to_dissolved_bing_tiles |
st_distance |
numeric_histogram |
geometry_union |
st_endpoint |
qdigest_agg |
great_circle_distance |
murmur3_x64_128 |
st_envelope |
myanmar_font_encoding |
st_envelopeaspts |
myanmar_normalize_unicode |
st_equals |
hash_counts |
st_exteriorring |
st_geometries |
st_geometryfromtext |
st_geometryn |
st_geometrytype |
uuid |
st_geomfrombinary |
value_at_quantile |
classify |
normalize |
st_interiorringn |
values_at_quantiles |
intersection_cardinality |
now |
st_interiorrings |
color |
st_intersection |
inverse_binomial_cdf |
parse_duration |
st_intersects |
inverse_cauchy_cdf |
parse_presto_data_size |
st_isclosed |
spatial_partitioning |
inverse_chi_squared_cdf |
st_isempty |
inverse_f_cdf |
pinot_binary_decimal_to_double |
st_isring |
inverse_gamma_cdf |
st_issimple |
word_stem |
inverse_laplace_cdf |
st_isvalid |
inverse_normal_cdf |
st_length |
tdigest_agg |
inverse_poisson_cdf |
quantile_at_value |
st_linefromtext |
current_time |
inverse_weibull_cdf |
st_linestring |
current_timestamp |
ip_prefix |
st_multipoint |
current_timezone |
ip_subnet_max |
st_numgeometries |
ip_subnet_min |
st_numinteriorring |
ip_subnet_range |
st_numpoints |